How can I make Semantic.ui’s dropdown() function work inside React?
I’m pretty green so I’m not sure how the function actually works, but I tried both running it both in onClick function and in componentDidMount() like in the Semantic.ui’s integration example (
I tried referencing the dropdown element both with $(’.ui.dropdown’) and Reacts ref attribute with no luck with either. Former gave nothing and the latter gave error “ is not a function”.
When I tried searching for an answer I found a topic (Pains with React + Semantic UI) discussing similar issues, but did not contain a solution for me.
Any clues towards solving this would be appreciated.
Hi Jonne
It has been painful, but finally i succeeded in using dropdowns with react, and more especially for me in react and typescript together. I’ve created a component around the semantic-ui definition named for instance SearchSelection. I’ve a property called onChange for this component.
In your componentDidMount method, you may write such a code :
declare var $ ;
componentDiMount() {
if (this.props.onChange) {
let ref = this.refs.mydrpdown; //mydropdown being the name of the dropdown external div in sui
let onChange = this.props.onChange; // must be outside the fct
$(ref).dropdown( {
onChange:function(value,text, elt) {
getValue() {
let ref = this.refs.mydrpdown;
return $(ref).dropdown("get value");
dont’t put in the fct references to states or props, or this.
I may send you the react/tscode if you want