React v15.0 Released

I don’t think so:

Perhaps you need to update that package.

Yup, that did it. Looks like it was updated just 3 days ago.

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Hi all, I didn’t follow up all the thread so sorry if it sounds repetitive:

  • do I just need to run meteor update react-meteor-data? (because for me it doesn’t change anything, my react package is still stuck at 0.14.8 --> react@0.14.8 installed, react@15.x needed) or
  • do I need to update manually packages.json + running meteor update react-meteor-data (this didn’t help neither cause now I have --> react@15.0.1 installed, react@0.14.x needed error)?

(I am justtrying to use Griddle here…)

Thanks for your help

You should use npm update:

npm update react
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Hi Sashko,

thanks for your quick reply, I didn’t post it but I also tried it and it didn’t change a thing.
Now I think I tried too much commands to have a clean environment, I will try to do a clean repo and to come back with the link.

That’s the problem right there… read the thread and you will find your answer. You do need to update your ‘package.json’ file.

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Found the problem. From the npm docs:

As of npm@2.6.1, the npm update will only inspect top-level packages. Prior versions of npm would also recursively inspect all dependencies.


Okay, what is this … baloney?

In case you don’t see it:

“The package react@15.0.1 does not satisfy its siblings’ peerDependency requirements!
Peer react-dom@15.0.1 wants react@^15.0.1”

Yeeeees. What an absolutely effin’ great package manager. Is this supposed to be a a joke?

Chill out, dude. What’s with the negativity?

The issue is that neither ^0.14.0 nor ~0.14.0 will ever match 15.0.0 because it’s such a huge version bump. I’m sure it’s something package maintainers will get around to fixing.

And a note to those upgrading React: npm update react won’t work (due to the aforementioned big version jump). You’ll have to do npm install --save react@latest to upgrade. That goes for all the React packages that jumped from 0.14 to 15.0.

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Another tip: it might help to just flush out the npm packages entirely (rm -rf node_modules) then reinstall, or you can run npm prune to remove unused packages which can often throw warnings when running npm update.

Thank you @ffxsam, by removing everything in node_modules I could make it work (clean up than full re-install).

@cstrat: even though I wrote I didn’t read the thread you could notice I wrote in my post I already tried to manipulate the package.json…so instead of explaining people requiring help how to read a whole thread you could gently read one post properly :slight_smile:

haha you got me there :stuck_out_tongue: I did mis-read your post and commented too quickly.
sorry I just thought it was strange to see what you said when if you just looked around that looked like the same issue that had already been discussed.

That’s exactly what I did and what resulted in those errors…

Also, you did not read the error message properly. Look again. Closely.

Finally: Why is there no way to check for dependencies short of actually installing stuff and see what breaks?

Hi @rhywden,

you will not have the peerDependencies issue if you type only npm install instead of meteor npm install it worked for me.
By checking the docs I think this message is linked to the fact meteor npm install also checks Atmosphere packages and cannot resolve properly the dependencies. I hope this helps

No problem :slight_smile:

We tried everything above, and our issue turned out to be with the ReactLayout package - which depends on older Atmosphere packages. Instead of updating the ReactLayout package, the Kadira team built a new NPM module instead called react-mounter. You need remove ReactLayout and then install react-mounter via npm.

The directions are here

A suggestion to the Meteor and Kadira teams:
in the warnings that show a dependency conflict, it’d be nice to more easily see which package is asking for a missing dependency. This would help everyone isolate the problem faster!

Can you post the warning you did see here? Maybe we can make this better…

Sure and really glad to see MDG monitors these forums so well.

When I ran Meteor, the build warning just showed a difference in the installed and expected versions. But it didn’t say which Atmosphere package or NPM module expected the missing version.

W20160412-17:25:33.857(-5)? (STDERR) WARNING: npm peer requirements not installed:
W20160412-17:25:33.858(-5)? (STDERR) - react@15.0.1 installed, react@0.14.x needed
W20160412-17:25:33.858(-5)? (STDERR) - react-dom@15.0.1 installed, react-dom@0.14.x needed
W20160412-17:25:33.858(-5)? (STDERR) - react-addons-transition-group@15.0.1 installed, react-addons-transition-group@0.14.x needed
W20160412-17:25:33.858(-5)? (STDERR) - react-addons-css-transition-group@15.0.1 installed, react-addons-css-transition-group@0.14.x needed
W20160412-17:25:33.859(-5)? (STDERR) - react-addons-linked-state-mixin@15.0.1 installed, react-addons-linked-state-mixin@0.14.x needed
W20160412-17:25:33.859(-5)? (STDERR) - react-addons-create-fragment@15.0.1 installed, react-addons-create-fragment@0.14.x needed
W20160412-17:25:33.859(-5)? (STDERR) - react-addons-update@15.0.1 installed, react-addons-update@0.14.x needed
W20160412-17:25:33.859(-5)? (STDERR) - react-addons-pure-render-mixin@15.0.1 installed, react-addons-pure-render-mixin@0.14.x needed
W20160412-17:25:33.859(-5)? (STDERR) - react-addons-test-utils@15.0.1 installed, react-addons-test-utils@0.14.x needed
W20160412-17:25:33.859(-5)? (STDERR) - react-addons-perf@15.0.1 installed, react-addons-perf@0.14.x needed

Ahh, right.

I’ve toyed with the idea of adding a “packageName” argument to check-npm-versions to help in this scenario. I decided not to do it because if the npm package is missing completely you get a stack trace, which has the package name in it.

But this seems like a problem; I’ll add it.

$ npm ls

(20 char requirement)