Reactivity headache

So I have an object that I initialize on entering a view, but it can also be populated by the user “loading” an existing object in (see loadMagicObject()).

I have a load of form controls that all end up reference the reactive Session object, which is fine, other than that every time I change a single field, all the fields are going to get recalculated.

Surely there is a better way to achieve this?

Template.example.created = function () {

var resetMagicObject = function () {
  Session.set('magicObject', {
    name: '',
    owner: '',
    age: 0
  'keyup .js-magic-name': function (event, template) {
    var magicObj = Session.get('magicObject'); = $(;
    Session.set('magicObject', magicObj);

  selectedObject: function () {
    return Session.get('magicObject');
  loadMagicObject: function () {
    var magicObj = MagicObjects.findOne();
    Session.set('magicObject', magicObj);

And in my HTML:

<input type="text" class="js-magic-name" value="{{}}" placeholder="Name..."/>

Check out, you might find it easier to deal with this situation then.

If your question is “how do I store an object in Session and avoid triggering reactivity everywhere when only one field is modified”, then I can suggest 2 solutions:

  1. Split your object into its fields:

     var name = $(; 
     Session.set('magicObjectName', name);
  2. Use the old but still extremely useful package isolate-value:

     selectedObjectName: function () {
         return isolateValue(function() { return Session.get('magicObject').name; });
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Ok first of, you do not have to use jQ to get the value. The event variable is a jquery event already, so you can do:

You can use `target` only, but [as per the docs][1] - "Most events bubble up the document tree from their originating element." So watch out for that ;)

Now to your original question: Since you are binding and event to the `keyup` you'll always update **ALL the  fields**- why? - simple - Sessions are reactive and you are updating the Session with each keyup event, which re-renders the template.

To sum it up - breakup the session to smaller pieces so you can update them separately, use the `name` attribute at inputs so you can be more DRY.

  'keyup .js-magic': function (event) {
      var name =,
          value =;
      Session.set('magic-' + name, value);


Do not bind the Session the the input value! That will update the input every time the Session changes!
I would suggest something like this:

  selectedObject: function () {
     var object = MagicObjects.findOne();
     if(_.isObject(object)) { //lets use underscore here to see if the response is an object
         return object;
     } else {
         return '';

Hope it helped ;)


Maybe you should use reactive-dict instead of a session object.

Why is that Solarc? Even the Atmosphere page you linked says that the ONLY difference is that it does not survive hot code pushes. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Well I guess it is the same as splitting your object into its fields as Steve suggested. But it separates your object from other Session variables.

Thanks for the suggestions @Steve & @davethe0nly, I’ll just post my thoughts on the methods you described:


  1. Splitting my objects into it’s fields was certainly an option, however as @solarc mentions later, I’d probably use a ReactiveDict to achieve this rather than the Session object (although I’d loose the data on a hot-code push).

  2. I’d not heard of the isolate-value package and it looks very interesting, although the fact it hasn’t been modified for almost 2 years makes me a little hesitant to make any code rely to heavily on it… Also was it abandoned because it was considered a bit of a “hack”?


  1. Thanks for pointing out that the events are already jQuery events, saves me a lot of wrapping in a lot of places… Whoops! :blush:
  2. the target vs. currentTarget point was something I hadn’t realised at all, again, thanks for the tip.
  3. Essentially your first suggestion is the same as Steve’s first suggestion, but with a bit more reusability in the code. I like it, however it still feels very clunky… (Like a ReactiveObject class is just missing…)
  4. Your last point brings me onto a final thought…

If the object is either a document loaded from the database, or one awaiting to be saved into the database. Can I create a new document in the client collection only which I bind everything too (I think that would then be reactive on a per-field level), and then tell it to save it to the server when the users actually wants to save it?

I don’t think isolate-value is a hack. I find it useful in many situations.

Can I create a new document in the client collection only […]?

I know no reliable way to do that. There is an undocumented API, but it has strange behavior.

Hmm yeah, perhaps that isn’t a good idea at all then! :blush:

Perhaps I’ll take a closer look at isolate-value, but I think for the time being I’ll probably end up using a system like @davethe0nly suggested, as it’s easier for someone else to understand what it’s doing & how.