Reactivity with meteorhacks:search-source

Hi fellows :grinning:! Iā€™m doing a web-app, where in a database are continuously inserted new items by some scraping bots.Iā€™m using meteorhacks:search-source to filter these items in the homepage of the app.The problem is that when a new item is added by the scraping bots, itā€™s not displayed in real time, unless i do a manual refresh of the page.What i want achieve is that the app is updated in real time whenever an item is added in the database andat the same time it must satisfy the searchā€™s criteria.

1)If i donā€™t search anything(""), every new item inserted should be displayed in real time

2)If i search ā€œRomeā€, every new item that contains ā€œRomeā€ in the title or description should be displayed in real time, the other shouldnā€™t

Hereā€™s my code:

SearchSource.defineSource('jobs_available', function(searchText, options) {
  var description_regex, s_keyword_regex, selector, title_regex;
  options = { //options to pass with the mongoDB selector
    sort: {
      date: -1
    limit: 10
  if (searchText) { //If some text is searched 
    s_keyword_regex = '.*' + searchText + '.*';  //Compiling the regex exp for title,description
    title_regex = {
      title: {
        '$regex': s_keyword_regex,
        '$options': 'i'
    description_regex = {
      description: {
        '$regex': s_keyword_regex,
        '$options': 'i'
    selector = { //Creating the selector for mongoDB
      $or: [title_regex, description_regex]
    return Jobs.find(selector, options).fetch(); //Return the results to the client
  } else {
    return Jobs.find({}, options).fetch(); //If no text is inserted, return the last 10 items inserted

  return""); // First time search
  js: function() { // display the items in the template, with #each
    return JobSearch.getData({
      transform: function(matchText, s_keyword_regex) { // Add effect on matching text
        return matchText.replace(s_keyword_regex, "<span><b>$&</b></span>");
      sort: {
        date: -1
    }, true);  //true, returns a cursor instead of a fetched array

  "keyup input": _.throttle(function(e) {
    var text;
    text = e.currentTarget.value.trim();
  }, 300)

I hope i explained myself! I tried with cursor.observe(added:) but then i donā€™t know how to retrigger another search with the same parameters from the server side :sob:

This is a known issue - see the following for more info:

There is also an outstanding pull request to help address this:

Perfect! thanks for the info!