Redirecting to item after creation

Hey guys,

How do I redirect to an item I just created in after my server method call? How do I pass in the ID to iron router from the newly created item?{
  'submit form': function(event) {

    var title = new Date();'createWorkout', title);

    Router.go('', {_id: 'id'});

Thank you!

You have to use callback function:'createWorkout', item, function (error, result)
      if (!error) {
       console.log('Item created with ID: ' + result);

On server side you have to return id.

Hope it helps!

Hey dancering!

How do I return the id on the server side? Tried the below:

'createExercise': function(workoutId, name, sets, reps, kgs) {
      workoutId: workoutId,
      name: name,
      kgs: kgs,
      reps: reps,
      sets: sets,
    return workoutId;

However I get undefined in my

Thanks for helping

Here is what you are looking for:

// Method
createExercise: function(name, sets, reps, kgs) {
  return Exercises.insert({ name: name, kgs: kgs, reps: reps, sets: sets });

// Event
'submit form': function(event) {
  var name = ..., sets = ..., reps = ..., kgs = ...
  var id = Meteor.apply(
    [name, sets, reps, kgs], 
    { returnStubValue: true }
  Meteor.defer(function() {
    Router.go('', { _id: 'id' });
  return false;

{ returnStubValue: true } tells Meteor to enable the stubā€™s return value instead of returning undefined.
Meteor.defer() is usually required around Router.go() in an event handler (donā€™t ask me why).

Hi reached,

the function on server that inserts on collection returns the id

var id = Exercises.insert({...});
return id;
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Hi Steve,

I canā€™t seem to get your method to work. Shouldnā€™t there be a meteor call in there somewhere?

Hey dancering,

It worked using the callback :).

Thank you both so much!

Notice that using a callback defeats the latency compensation Meteor mechanism: your app waits for a full server round-trip before user sees something happening on the screen.

1 Like

But that is not a huge problem since this is ā€œonlyā€ a redirect i assume?

The question is: do you want the redirect to be triggered immediately, or do you prefer to wait for the full server round-trip to complete before triggering it?


This post helped me a lot to construct my callback, but the if give me nothing. my console.log doesnt displayed. I working with meteor-angular, bu the idea is is the same.

Client :

$scope.createEvent = function(name, email){
$ā€˜saveEventā€™, name, email, function (error, result){
if (error){
} else {
console.log(ā€œid :ā€ + result);


And my Methods :

saveEvent : function (nameEvent, emailEvent){
var NewEvent = Events.insert({
CreatedAt : new Date(),
nameevent: nameEvent,
emailevent: emailEvent
console.log(ā€˜server:ā€™ + NewEvent);
return NewEvent;


any idea ?

Thanks in advance !

I donā€™t see anything wrong in your code.

Thanks for your time steve, me neither ^^.
But it is like my code from the if is totally ignored nothing display in the consoleā€¦


Juste to let you know that I found a solution, but without using a Method. Maybe you will have an idea to make it work with a method, but for the moment here is my solution :smile:

$scope.createEvent = function(name, email){  
  				var NewEvent = Events.insert({
          CreatedAt : new Date(),
          nameevent: name,
          emailevent: email
          console.log("id :" + NewEvent);
  				$state.go('organizer', { "eventId": NewEvent});	
