Required fields approach

This is my graphql schema, query and mutations.
I marked required fields in my schema with "!"
How I can create mutation to add new client?
Do I really need to write the same required fields again?
Like createClient(contactMethod: String!, hearAbout: String! ......... ): Client

import { MongoClients } from '/imports/api/collections.js';

const typeShard = `
  type ClientProfile {
    name: String!
    surname: String!
    address: String
    language: String!
    englishSpeaker: String
    nationality: String

  type ClientContactPerson {
    email: [ClientEmail]
    phone: [ClientPhone]
    profile: ClientProfile

  type ClientEmail {
    address: String

  type ClientPhone {
    number: String

  type Client {
    _id: String
    isEdit: Boolean
    createdAt: String
    shortId: Int
    emails: [ClientEmail]
    phone: [ClientPhone]
    contactPerson: [ClientContactPerson]
    profile: ClientProfile
    comments: String
    contactMethod: String!
    hearAbout: String!
    leadAgentId: String
    branchId: String!
    subscriber: Boolean
    removed: Boolean

const queryShard = `
  getClient(shortId : Int!): Client
  getAllClients: [Client]

const mutationShard = `
  removeClient(shortId : Int!): Client
  createClient(contactMethod: String!, hearAbout: String!   .........  ): Client

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    getClient(root, { shortId }) {
      return MongoClients.findOne({ shortId });
    getAllClients: () => MongoClients.find().fetch(),
  Mutation: {
    removeClient(root, { shortId }) {
      const client = MongoClients.findOne({ shortId });
      if (!client) throw new Error(`Couldn't find client with id ${shortId}`);
      MongoClients.remove({ shortId });
      return client;
    createClient: (_, args) => {
      const data = Object.assign({}, { createdAt: new Date() }, args);
      const clientId = MongoClients.insert(data);
      return MongoClients.findOne(clientId);

export { typeShard, queryShard, mutationShard, resolvers };