[Resolved] .helpers is not a function

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to make an complete application with the ‘todos’ skeleton (https://github.com/meteor/todos/).

In my API file, I have an error with helpers declaration… Could you help me ?

Error :

W20170420-10:10:54.101(2)? (STDERR) TypeError: Equipments.helpers is not a function

import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo';
import { Factory } from 'meteor/dburles:factory';
import faker from 'faker';

import { EquipmentSchema } from './schema';

faker.locale = 'fr';

export const Equipments = new Mongo.Collection('equipments');
export default 'Equipments';

// Deny all client-side updates since we will using methods
  insert() { return true; },
  update() { return true; },
  remove() { return true; },

// Associate the schema for checking values
Equipments.schema = EquipmentSchema;

// Public fields (published to the client)
Equipments.publicFields = {
  name: 1,
  number: 1,
  part: 1,
  active: 1,
  cron: 1,
  workshops: 1,
  connection: 1,
  settings: 1,
  informations: 1,
  state: 1,

// Factory for tests
Factory.define('equipment', Equipments, {
  name: () => faker.lorem.word(),
  number: () => faker.random.number(),
  part: () => faker.hacker.noun(),
  active: true,
  cron: () => faker.random.number(),
  workshops: () => [faker.commerce.department()],
  connection: {
    ip: () => faker.internet.ip.toString(),

// Helpers
  visibleBy(userId) {
    if (this.workshop.length === 0) {
      return true;

    const currentUser = Meteor.users.findOne(userId);

    return (_.intersection(currentUser.whorkshops.white, this.wrokshops).length > 0 &&
    _.intersection(currentUser.whorkshops.black, this.workshops).length === 0);
  isActive() {
    return this.active;

Resolved :

I have forgotten to add dburles:collection-helpers package… :frowning: