Retrieve each record satisfying list of conditions

I want to retrieve each record for different values of a key. For example I have a below collection

{ "_id" : ObjectId("583342efb60a1642ae70ec9d"), "name" : "xxx", Data" : 111}
{ "_id" : ObjectId("583342efb60a1642ae70ec9d"), "name" : "xxx", Data" : 222}
{ "_id" : ObjectId("583342efb60a1642ae70ec9d"), "name" : "yyy", Data" : 333}
{ "_id" : ObjectId("583342efb60a1642ae70ec9d"), "name" : "yyy", Data" : 444}
{ "_id" : ObjectId("583342efb60a1642ae70ec9d"), "name" : "zzz", Data" : 555}

From the above collection I want single record for each key - “name”. I want retrieval output as

{ "_id" : ObjectId("583342efb60a1642ae70ec9d"), "name" : "xxx", Data" : 111}
{ "_id" : ObjectId("583342efb60a1642ae70ec9d"), "name" : "yyy", Data" : 333}
{ "_id" : ObjectId("583342efb60a1642ae70ec9d"), "name" : "zzz", Data" : 555}

I’ve tried lot of queries using findone, aggregate, group, match, distinct, etc ,… Basically I tried to find

db.collection.find({"name" : ["xxx", "yyy","zzz"]}).limit(1)

The above query will retrieve only one record. But i’m not sure how to club the queries to get one on each key value for the key - “name”

Any help would be appreciable. Thanks in advance.

@rhywden - Thanks for your response. But unfortunately I want the last entire record and not just the field.

There’s no out-of-the-box solution for that and you’ll have to do some work yourself.

Use distinct to get the unique field entries and then do a results.forEach on the resulting array to get the last document containing the field by a search for said field.

@rhywden - I tired to run query using results.forEach for the distince array of values. I am not getting correct output. Can you please provide a sample query based on the above example? Thanks in advance

Okay. First of all, the distinct() command is not available on minimongo, so you’ll have to access the raw collection which you can only do on the server. Basically, create a Meteor method on the server, query the RawCollection and return an array of values.

  rawFind(): function() {
    let rawCol = CollectionName.rawCollection();
    return rawCol.distinct("name");

On the client you can then do this:"rawFind", function(error, result) {
  if(!error) {
    let result = CollectionName.find({"name" : result});
    //do whatever you want with the result

This is not reactive, however.

Then again, a short Google search might also have turned up this for you: