Hi all,
I am having a bit of an issue with the android build to production.
We have built an app that is currently on the iOS store and we are working on releasing an android version as well.
We are currently running Meteor 1.4 for this app.
We are using Heroku to host the app and our Mongo database.
We are using Genymotion as our android emulator.
Here is the problem:
The app runs fine locally on my machine on the browser and emulator
When I try to build it using meteor build --server http:// the app builds and the apk files are generated. Upon trying to install the apk on the emulator, I see this:
I am guessing that means that Meteor is having a tough time connecting to the production server.
I have tried setting the access rules in the mobile-config.js
This is what that looks like now:
I have tried different ways of specifying the server name in the --server option
I.E. --server app.myapp.com
–server http://app.myapp.com
In the console, if i look for a Meteor.absoluteUrl() i get the URL I specified on the --server option…
The odd part about this like I mentioned in the beginning, is that if i do MONGO_URL=myMongoURL meteor run android-device everything works well on the emulator. The even more odd part is that this also works well on the iOS simulator and on iOS devices.
I am out ideas please help.