Howdy Meteor Forum peeps, It is time to plan show #9! What perked your interest this week(s) in Meteor? Is there a MDG team member you want to learn more about? Have an idea how to improve the show? Help us drive this party bus
I really need your help to pick some great topics so we can keep the momentum high after our interview with Geoff.
Show #8 has been the pinnacle so far for Transmission and the numbers reflect it too. Big thanks to @gschmidt and @sashko for making it amazing. If you have not heard our talk with Meteor’s CEO Geoff Schmidt then make sure to check it out today
TRANSMISSION is a weekly podcast/vlog covering the most important topics to come out of the Meteor Forums. Each week I need your help to pick the most relevant forum posts for @sashko and I to discuss in deeper detail.
Yes @sashko would definitely be great to hear from. But I’m personally also interested in perspectives from non-MDG folks, esp major community contributors eg Kadira/Xolvio, etc.
Please, no. There’s Meteor Club Podcasts, Crater Podcasts, Meteor Interviews, Discover Meteor Podcasts, and plenty other venues for hearing from those voices.
Keep it focused on architectural discussion and details from actual MDG contributors. We want to know what’s going on at MDG, not what’s happening at Kadira, Xolvio, etc.
I’ve definitely been interested in having the podcast become a venue for direct conversations between MDG and the community. So far @benstr has been great at asking questions and representing community concerns, but perhaps adding another community voice every once in a while would help? The same way that having other people from MDG and not just myself makes the conversation much more interesting.
@tmeasday is the main person on testing right now - he’s building the example app tests, writing the testing guide for 1.3, and making sure the build tool has the right features for the release. Tom, would you be interested in talking about this?
For testing, who from the community would you have in mind?
I agree with @awatson1978 other podcasts are good for opinions and community insight. I want this podcast to keep its purpose unique form the others. Adding other co-hosts from the community would be great! I just want to make sure it stays focused on MDG’s POV and architectural details.
I know a few folks have reached out to me about joining in and I am all for it as long as we keep it about what MDG is doing.
For starters: Ronen, who’s practicalmeteor:mocha seems to have made it into the guide and who developed SpaceJam; or Martin, who has Verification and Validation experience with NASA, and wrote the excellent Continuous Deployment tutorial.
Well, looking through the guide, and it appears that practicalmeteor:mocha has a mention. There’s also been mention of SpaceJam in some of the CI discussion…
Maybe Tom is the better person to weigh in; but you’re the person who has hacked on the tinytest driver about as much as anybody, and know what’s involved in replacing/upgrading it. And about the only person to have published an alternative --driver-package. (that I know of anyhow)
Given testing is being debated and frustrated over in the meteor community for a long time
And there are multiple predominant approaches
And I was working on the wonderful work from @sam / @Sanjo
And following @tmeasday and awatson1978
Then possibly we should possibly have say three shows covering each of those three, giving meteor users approach to choose from based on their situation.
Things like : How many iterations did it go through? Is it inspired by some other protocol? Has it been used in any non-meteor applications ? Has it been in Meteor from the very beginning ? Who originally designed it ? In a recent release ( I think ), the messages are automatically compressed before they are sent, how does that work ?