Scaling the MeteorJS Team!

Hey everyone, we have some exciting news to share!

After some discussions, we’ve decided to have @grubba, a natural advocate, take on a more prominent role in advocacy as part of his existing responsibilities with the development of Meteor.js. That transition will gradually take place after the launch of Meteor 3.0. Part of the advocacy role is to ensure we have great documentation (v3 migration docs are in the works) and promote Meteor in live streams, podcasts, events, etc., which he has naturally done in the past few days!

That decision changed our strategy: hiring a community manager instead of an advocate and bringing in another developer.

We’re happy to welcome @camikuro (Camila Rosa) as our new Tech Community Manager. She will put into practice all the plans @TatiBarros is working on, engaging in online and offline conversations (such as on Twitter and forums) to connect with the community. She will promote our projects, assist with audiovisual content (podcasts, YouTube), and overall content management. She will be crucial in organizing meetups, gatherings, and other events!

We’re also excited to introduce @nachocodoner, who will join the Meteor core team! His extensive expertise in Meteor (as well as React, Capacitor, Electron, MongoDB, Redis, Webpack, SWC, etc.) will contribute to further developing and enhancing the Meteor framework.

Lastly, I believe it was only mentioned in our newsletter that @radekmie is also working with us. That’s a part-time collaboration, and he is focusing on Blaze and all the async work we need for Meteor 3.0. His knowledge is truly valuable.

Stay tuned for more exciting news! Cheers!


Thanks a lot for your trust, and I will greatly impact the community! I hope everyone is as excited as I am for next year as the team grows and we create more!


@fredmaiaarantes thank you for sharing these updates!
I’m grateful for your backup in the debates and decisions of the DevRel strategies. You are an amazing leader and a mentor for me and the whole team.

Welcome to our new team members! You’re a perfect match for our DevRel team:
@grubba is an excellent advocate for Meteor, @camikuro is a skilled video producer and writer. Teaming up with @jkuester and @storyteller is a blast for any devrel manager, to connect people who will be focused on producing, sharing and engaging our technical content, projects and events to expand the Meteor ecosystem with the speed and user experience that the community asks for!

The arrival of @nachocodoner and the collaboration of @radekmie with a focus on Blaze and Meteor 3.0 are essential for the technical advancement of the framework, and I salute both of them!

I can’t wait to see what Team Meteor will do in 2024 of significant achievements and innovations for Meteor 3.0!
Let’s go together! :comet:


We’re also excited to introduce @nachocodoner, who will join the Meteor core team! His extensive expertise in Meteor (as well as React, Capacitor, Electron, MongoDB, Redis, Webpack, SWC, etc.) will contribute to further developing and enhancing the Meteor framework.


Glad to see one of the Meteor OGs finally onboard moving forward. @nachocodoner is formidable enough to weather the storm Pathable shut down so we can count on him to also help us weather the 3.0 avalanche :sweat_smile:

I’m curious as to how this came about since I thought that he was done with Meteor for good. All in all, great decision. Welcome @nachocodoner :clap: :clap:


Thank you for counting on me to join forces to the tool that many of us are passionate about and want to see succeed.

I’m dedicating part of my work hours to help launch Meteor 3.0. Along the way, I’m excited to dive deeper into the core of Meteor, learning from both the team and the community, and exploring together the ways to grow the framework.

With the rest of my time, I’m focused on releasing an indie app I’ve been quietly working on. This app tackles a specific problem and navigates some technical issues that could be relevant to the Meteor framework. I plan to share my learnings from integrating tools like Webpack and CapacitorJS, to expand even more the opportunities to deliver a high quality and more modern product with Meteor. I hope this will continue the conversation within the Meteor community about how we can further improve the framework and revive the robust hybrid development tool we all love.


Thank you, @harry97, for your trust.

I haven’t moved on from Meteor. As I’ve shared privately to some devs, it’s hard for me to imagine working without it. Meteor consistently provides me new opportunities, enabling me to recycle my knowledge and unify code efforts using a Javascript-only approach for client and server. It makes deploying across different platforms easier and improves testing and debugging by sticking with web development tools. Besides, we have the benefits of reactivity and third-party packages to speed up development.

After my time at Pathable ended, I was commited to take some time to learn, experiment, express my creativity and try innovation paths. That’s what excites me about development. However, the fast-paced and results-oriented rhythm of companies leaves little room for this exploration. So I took it upon myself to create that time.

I’ve kept an eye on the Meteor community anyway, providing minor contributions when I could. Moving forward, I plan to increase my involvement and contributions. :slight_smile: