Screencasting tools and tips?

And it’s open-source:


PS: I’m the dev

That’s awesome! Excited to check out coderstv!

OBS is now cross platform, it also supports both streaming and recording!

@dbarrett: Linux version coming soon :smile:

Just have to build from source! :smile:

Or if you happen to be running Arch:

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@riza, I’ve done a screencast about OBS on Ubuntu:

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I presented my Meteor-powered streaming project at the last Berlin meetup, and streamed to OBS as I did it: – check it out! The fun starts at 0:50 :smile:

tl:dw: I made an OSX Cocoa application that presents a full-screen, transparent webview of a locally-hosted Meteor app, which in turn connects to IRC, iTunes, Twitch, camera, etc. It’s overlaid on my screen, but my cursor masks out what’s underneath. You can accept/reject gifs posted in the chat with your phone (off-stream).

It’s just a fun little project that enables you to broadcast and interact with the audience on a single-screen setup. My Objective-C isn’t very good (should have used Swift), but I’ll post it up pretty soon if anyone’s interested!


nice iam testing obs !
building it in arch to !
aur ftw!

Hey @dbarrett, how do you know I’m running Arch? :sunglasses:

Nice info man, thanks!

Really a nice idea integrating Meteor as a local helper app. Love it!

This is rad, I’d love to try it out - live coder battles a’hoy!

@Helmi @chris Thanks! I’ll post it up on Github this week…

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I bought screenflow in a bundle recently. It looks fantastic.

It seems especially useful if you want to record a screencast of your iOS device in action.
Not sure how one would do that normally.

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The KHAN academy produces high quality screen content. You can’t go wrong mimicking them. Here’s their workflow and setup:

For our last meetup I used Camtasia Studio for recording and editing. It’s not free but worth every penny.

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I like gtk-recordmydesktop and

Hi, I use screenflow and camtasia for mac when creating my screencasts. I teach both screenflow and camtasia mac through screencasting.

I have used audacity to record my audio but now I’m using garageband. I will slowly be making the move over to adobe audition.

My workflow would consist of the following:

  1. plan
    plan out your content and what you are going to say or do. what do you want the tutorial or training to get across

  2. write the script
    for every video tutorial that I do I write the script. The script also may include how long I should talk on that point for, if I need to zoom in or out, if I need to add any annotations or callouts etc.

  3. record your audio
    In this step I record the script I record my audio seperate to my screencast.

  4. record the screencast while having the audio play in the background

  5. edit the screencast
    This step I start to edit out the screencast and add anything that is needed. for example, annotations, text, callouts etc

  6. render output
    This is the final stage. This point I will render out my screencast project.

  7. sharing
    This is the stage where I share my screencast tutorial. I will add my screencast places like vimeo, youtube, and my own blog, plus daily motion.

Hope my workflow helps, if you have any questions or comments let me know.


I use Open Broadcaster Software for my adventures on and also for my livestream from events.
Currently formulating best practices from HW point of view too.

For example this test stream, we had Avermedia Live Gamer Portable to fork/capture HDMI between presenter macbook and projector.
Camera on back was connected to 650E HW encoder which streamed to my MacBook Pro Late 2011 where I am running nginx server with RTMP module.
And I was combining signals on MacBook in OBS and SW encoding to 720p and livestreaming to youtube.
Stream recording

That Avermedia card as every 1 of theirs is PITA to use. Now I am testing Decklink Recorded from BlackMagic which is PCI-E not mobile, but should have full support on all OSes. They have also mobile thunderbolt version. And also that HW encoder could be easily exchanged for HDMI extender over LAN cable + another capture card.

That would be my next setup.

And I am also preparing my site where you login using google accounts, it will grab your upcoming youtube livestreams (tested yesterday on and enable you to add tag.
Yes that page was done yesterday during 3h livecoding stream with my 1st time google api encounter and it is still autopublish and return OK even if u try to update foreign stream, but it will not change in DB and you can see what I am trying to accomplish.
Than you can publish it on my site and people can see iframe embeds of youtube stream and side by side.
Maybe with some other features, searching by tags and stuff.

Good luck with your streaming adventures.