Hi, using 1.8, Blaze and the Semantic-UI atmosphere package.
I have been bashing away at this for 5 days now. If I change the value of a Semantic UI Dropdown, I can pickup the change event and save the new changed value to the DB. Thats all working fine.
However, if I open a second instance of the page, and change the value of the dropdown, it saves to the DB, it updates the value attribute in the other window’s DOM, but the selection on the control in the UI doesn’t change:
<div class="six wide field">
<div class="ui fluid search normal selection dropdown">
<input class="goalDropdown" type="hidden" value={{goal.goal_id}}>
<i class="dropdown icon"></i>
<div class="default text">Goals</div>
<div class="menu">
{{#each goal in goalsCollection}}
<div class="item" data-value={{goal._id}}>{{goal.title}}</div>
Again, the value attribute updates, so the Blaze template is reacting fine to the change of data in the DB, just the control doesn’t update or refresh.