Send push notifications to several tokens at a time in meteor using raix:push package and phonegap-plugin-push@1.5.2 and cordova-plugin-device@1.1.5

I have used above mentioned packages in my meteor code to send push notifications to cordova mobile,but I am able to send a message to the token one by one.But I want to send a single message to several tokens at time and immediately mobile should receive the notification as soon as it fires but after some 5 minutes it is receiving.Please help me out.
Here I have attached my code below:
client side:

    if (Meteor.isCordova) {
      function onDeviceReady () {
        // alert("Calling onDeviceReady()");
          android: {
           senderID: mySenderId,
           alert: true,
           badge: true,
           sound: true,
           vibrate: true,
           clearNotifications: true
         ios: {
           alert: true,
           badge: true,
           sound: true
       Push.addListener("token", function(token) {
         console.log("push notification listened",token);
         // alert(JSON.stringify(token));

server side to send message:

serverside startup:

 Meteor.startup(function () {
    Push.debug = true;

send: function(userId,notification) {
return true; // Allow all users to send
            gcm: {
              apiKey: 'mykey,
              projectNumber: mySenderId
            production: false

I inserted the token which has been set at key “myToken” to LoginFamilyID collection.