Sending data from Client to Server

I am using Meteor 1.8. I created the user management flow with Cognito. I connected it using Amplify.
I want to remove user.Meteor() and add AWS user credentials. I have this data from Auth.currentCredentials() from the client side, I need to share this data with the server.

How can I do it?

I really appreciate any help you can provide.

Hi @missmelisa,
Have you tried using it with Accounts.createUser and also Users and Accounts | Meteor Guide

The idea is to remove Meteor.user() and use Amplify currentcredentials.

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You have to consider that, if you remove Meteor.Users, you will need to authorize your queries in a different way so you could very well look into authenticated calls via a REST Api. But in this case you could use a generic NODE framework or any other language.

Have a look at this project: GitHub - reactioncommerce/api-plugin-authentication: Authentication plugin for the Reaction API. Up until version 3 this e-commerce ecosystem used Hydra for accounts while the Admin server was running on Meteor. Maybe it helps you in understanding how to authenticate your Meteor calls while users are from a 3rd party system.

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