Hi! I have this server side validated method imports/api/Shops/server/methods.js:
export const shopGeocodeAddress = new ValidatedMethod({
name: 'shops.geocodeAddress',
validate: new SimpleSchema({
streetName: { type: String },
houseNumber: { type: Number },
city: { type: String },
state: { type: String },
country: { type: String },
zip: { type: String, optional: true },
run({ streetName, houseNumber, city, state, country, zip }) {
return location;
To test validation error message on the client, I’m sending houseNumber as string which will get the method to fail, as it expects houseNumber as Number. So far so good. I’m getting a validation error on the server console like this:
I20190418-10:55:28.605(-3)? Exception while invoking method ‘shops.geocodeAddress’ { ClientError: House number must be of type Number
I20190418-10:55:28.608(-3)? errorType: ‘ClientError’,
I20190418-10:55:28.608(-3)? name: ‘ClientError’,
I20190418-10:55:28.608(-3)? error: ‘validation-error’,
I20190418-10:55:28.609(-3)? details:
I20190418-10:55:28.609(-3)? [ { name: ‘houseNumber’,
I20190418-10:55:28.609(-3)? value: NaN,
I20190418-10:55:28.609(-3)? type: ‘expectedType’,
I20190418-10:55:28.609(-3)? dataType: ‘Number’,
I20190418-10:55:28.609(-3)? message: ‘House number debe ser del tipo Number’ } ] }
But on the client I get only an internal server error like this:
details: undefined
error: 500
errorType: “Meteor.Error”
isClientSafe: true
message: “Internal server error [500]”
reason: “Internal server error”
Thus I can’t indicate the client which type of error is, or which field must be changed in order for the method to be run correctly.
Is there a way to catch validation error on server methods and send them to the client?
Thanks in advise!