Service worker on Chrome

Someone have problems with service worker on Chrome ?
When app is loaded, in console show “DOMException: Failed to register a ServiceWorker: The document is in an invalid state.”
With Firefox all is good.

1 Like

How does your sw.js file look like?

I’m using this, from GitHub - ilan-schemoul/meteor-service-worker: An universal service worker for meteor apps
I added a condition for some notifications in browser console “event.request.url.startsWith(‘http’)”

const HTMLToCache = '/';
const version = 'MSW V0.3';

self.addEventListener('install', (event) => {
	event.waitUntil( => {

self.addEventListener('activate', (event) => {
		caches.keys().then(cacheNames => Promise.all( => {
			if (version !== cacheName) return caches.delete(cacheName);

self.addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {
	if (event.request.url.startsWith('http')) {
		const requestToFetch = event.request.clone();
			caches.match(event.request.clone()).then((cached) => {
				// We don't return cached HTML (except if fetch failed)
				if (cached) {
					const resourceType = cached.headers.get('content-type');
					// We only return non css/js/html cached response e.g images
					if (!hasHash(event.request.url) && !/text\/html/.test(resourceType)) {
						return cached;

					// If the CSS/JS didn't change since it's been cached, return the cached version
					if (hasHash(event.request.url) && hasSameHash(event.request.url, cached.url)) {
						return cached;
				return fetch(requestToFetch).then((response) => {
					const clonedResponse = response.clone();
					const contentType = clonedResponse.headers.get('content-type');

					if (!clonedResponse || clonedResponse.status !== 200 || clonedResponse.type !== 'basic' ||
							/\/sockjs\//.test(event.request.url)) {
						return response;

					if (/html/.test(contentType)) {
						if (event.request.method !== 'POST') { => cache.put(HTMLToCache, clonedResponse));
					} else {
						// Delete old version of a file
						if (hasHash(event.request.url)) { => cache.keys().then(keys => keys.forEach((asset) => {
								if (new RegExp(removeHash(event.request.url)).test(removeHash(asset.url))) {
						if (event.request.method !== 'POST') { => cache.put(event.request, clonedResponse));
					return response;
				}).catch(() => {
					if (hasHash(event.request.url)) return caches.match(event.request.url);
					// If the request URL hasn't been served from cache and isn't sockjs we suppose it's HTML
					else if (!/\/sockjs\//.test(event.request.url)) return caches.match(HTMLToCache);
					// Only for sockjs
					return new Response('No connection to the server', {
						status: 503,
						statusText: 'No connection to the server',
						headers: new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }),

function removeHash (element) {
	if (typeof element === 'string') return element.split('?hash=')[0];

function hasHash (element) {
	if (typeof element === 'string') return /\?hash=.*/.test(element);

function hasSameHash (firstUrl, secondUrl) {
	if (typeof firstUrl === 'string' && typeof secondUrl === 'string') {
		return /\?hash=(.*)/.exec(firstUrl)[1] === /\?hash=(.*)/.exec(secondUrl)[1];

HI @davideonmeteor,
I understand you want to catch resources for a faster startup of your web app.
Please find this worker that I use and has options for both cases, when your bundle comes from the Meteor server and when your bundle comes from a CDN.
If you want to add web notifications to it, you can just go to www activitree .com and grab the firebase worker instead of the sw worker. The differences between the two are all to be found at the end of the file.

I think it would be important to understand what and how some things need to be provided network first or cache first.

You can skip the ‘a.txt’ condition, that is something I do internally to trigger the display of a ‘not connected’ page via the worker (Meteor routing wouldn’t be of any use in this particular case)

 * Caching of files and offline support
/* eslint-env worker */
/* eslint-env serviceworker */

 * Project Level Configurations

const debug = false
const OFFLINE_HTML = '/not-connected.html'
const MANIFEST = '/manifest-pwa.json'
const PROJECT_NAME = 'Activitree'
const VERSION = 'v3'

 * Web Worker Constants
const BUNDLE_CACHE = `${PROJECT_NAME}-bundleCache-${VERSION}`
const ASSETS_CACHE = `${PROJECT_NAME}-assetsCache-${VERSION}`
const isBundleFile = str => { return /_resource=true/.test(str) }
const isJSBundleFile = str => { return /_js_|meteor_runtime_config/.test(str) }
const filesToCacheOnInstall = [
// const assetsRegex = /activitree\.com\/activities\/|activitree\.com\/audio|activitree\.com\/cdn/

const returnOffline = () => {
    .then(cache => {
      return cache
        .then(cached => cached)
        .catch(err => console.log('there was an error on catching the cache', err))

const cacheFirstStrategyCaching = (isBundleFile, event) => {
  event.respondWith((async () => {
    try {
      const requestToFetch = event.request.clone()
        .then(cache => {
          return cache
            .then(cached => {
              if (cached) {
                if (debug) {'I am returning the cached file: ', cached) }
                return cached
              // if use bundle provided by Meteor server: `isBundleFile ? {} : { mode: 'cors' }`
              // if use bundle from CDN get it with mode cors: `{ mode: 'cors' }`
              return fetch(requestToFetch, { method: 'GET', mode: 'cors', headers: { 'Access-Control-Request-Method': 'GET', 'Access-Control-Request-Headers': 'Origin' } }) // fetch(requestToFetch), without options, if you don't use external CDNs
                .then(response => {
                  if (debug) { console.log('What do I have in this response? ', response.clone()) }
                  const clonedResponse = response.clone()
                  if (response.clone().status === 200 || response.clone().status === 304) { // Only delete the old and cache the new one if we avail of the file.(other possibilities are to get a 404 and we don't want to cache that.)
                    if (debug) { console.log('I do have a status response 200 here') }
                    return ? BUNDLE_CACHE : ASSETS_CACHE)
                      .then(cache => cache.keys()
                        .then(cacheNames => {
                          if (isBundleFile) {
                   => {
                              if ((isJSBundleFile(cacheName.url) && isJSBundleFile(event.request.url)) || (!isJSBundleFile(cacheName.url) && !isJSBundleFile(event.request.url))) {
                                if (debug) {'I delete a bundle file - delete this keys: ', cacheName) }
                          () => {
                            cache.put(response.url, clonedResponse)
                            if (debug) {'Reached the end, it was a new Meteor build, old files deleted, new ones in place, returning response (new files)', response.clone()) }
                            return response.clone()
                  } else {
                    if (debug) {'I should reach here when a bundle changed and I need to return the new bundle after I cached it)', response.clone()) }
                    return response.clone()
    } catch (error) {
      console.log('Fetch failed; returning offline page instead.', error)

 * Web Workers Specific Listener: install
self.addEventListener('install', e => {
      .then(cache => cache.addAll(filesToCacheOnInstall))

 * Web Workers Specific Listener: activate
self.addEventListener('activate', e => {
    caches.keys().then(cacheNames => => {
        if ((cacheName.indexOf('bundleCache') !== -1 && cacheName !== BUNDLE_CACHE) ||
          (cacheName.indexOf('preCache') !== -1 && cacheName !== PRECACHE_CACHE) ||
          (cacheName.indexOf('assetsCache') !== -1 && cacheName !== ASSETS_CACHE)) {
          return caches.delete(cacheName)

 * Web Worker Specific Listener: fetch
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {

  if (/a.txt/.test(event.request.url)) {
    if (debug) {'%cROUTING IS INVOLVED', { color: 'red' }) }
        // .then(response => response)
        .catch(error => {
          console.log('Failed to route, probably disconnected: ', error)
          return returnOffline()

  // Bundle files JS and CSS management. If new names are detected while calling the bundle files from the cache, the olds files
  // are deleted and the new ones cached.
  if (isBundleFile(event.request.url)) {
    if (debug) { console.log('My event request url for BUNDLE file: ', event.request.url) }
    cacheFirstStrategyCaching(true, event)
  } else {
    // I only need to return this once if I need this exact path (but I only use it for offline PWA Lighthouse test)
    if (/\?homescreen/.test(event.request.url)) {
        // .then(response => response)
        .catch(error => {
          if (debug) { console.log('Failed on homescreen fetch: ', error) }
          return returnOffline()

    // manifest-pwa.json is on a CacheFirst strategy. Fallback goes to network but that ideally should never happen .
    if (/manifest-pwa/.test(event.request.url)) {
      event.respondWith(async function () {
        const cachedResponse = await
          .then(cache => {
            return cache
              .then(cached => cached)
        if (cachedResponse) { return cachedResponse }
        return fetch(event.request)

    // cache all other assets.
    // const isAsset = assetsRegex.test(event.request.url)

    // DO NOT CACHE ASSETS, will be following the cache policy from the CDN
      if (isAsset) {
        cacheFirstStrategyCaching(false, event)
        return false
    // This is a NetworkFirst (or Network Only) strategy and is intended to let every traffic pass through unless handled by the above IF's
    // except the pre-cached files which I would prefer to have from the cache. Without these files, when offline, I cannot
    // route to where I need. This was implemented with React Router. If I don't ignore robots, sitemap etc the browser will
    // route to these locations instead of returning the files (those Routes do not exist e.g.
    // but there is a public file there which is what I want.)
    if (event.request.mode === 'navigate' && !/robots|sitemap|\?homescreen|manifest-pwa|a.txt|not-connected.html/.test(event.request.url) /* && !isAsset */) {
      const requestToFetch = event.request.clone()
          .then(response => {
              .then(cache => {
                return cache
                  .then(cached => {
                    return cached || response
          .catch(error => {
            if (debug) { console.log('I am probably offline. You can\'t see me because I run very fast in debug screen ', error) }
            return returnOffline() // no cache and no live return the offline page (Pure HTML)