"set ROOT_URL in server environment" ERROR while using Meteor.loginWithFacebook or other services.. Urigo/meteor-client-bundler

I have a Web App running using Meteor on http://www.fixonclick.com using angular1.6 and angular material. I want to build a separate app for mobile platforms and even for the mobile web (progressive) using Angular2-Meteor and Ionic2.

I have almost created the angular2-meteor/ionic2 boilerplate which connects with my www.fixonclick.com server. It brings the data, updates and call methods using MeteorObserables.call and even uploads images like a charm. (Thanks to Urigo for fantastic Whatsapp tutorial)

I am only stuck with the Meteor.loginWithService, as these require Meteor.absoluteUrl and oAuth._redirectUri.
Following is the code snippet from meteor-client.js

if (Meteor.isServer && isCordova) {
        // 29
        var rootUrl = process.env.MOBILE_ROOT_URL || // 30
        __meteor_runtime_config__.ROOT_URL; // 31
        // 32
        if (isAndroid) {
          // 33
          // Match the replace that we do in cordova boilerplate                            // 34
          // (boilerplate-generator package).                                               // 35
          // XXX Maybe we should put this in a separate package or something                // 36
          // that is used here and by boilerplate-generator? Or maybe                       // 37
          // `Meteor.absoluteUrl` should know how to do this?                               // 38
          var url = Npm.require("url"); // 39
          var parsedRootUrl = url.parse(rootUrl); // 40
          if (parsedRootUrl.hostname === "localhost") {
            // 41
            parsedRootUrl.hostname = ""; // 42
            delete parsedRootUrl.host; // 43
          } // 44
          rootUrl = url.format(parsedRootUrl); // 45
        } // 46
        // 47
        absoluteUrlOptions = _.extend({}, absoluteUrlOptions, { // 48
          // For Cordova clients, redirect to the special Cordova root url                  // 49
          // (likely a local IP in development mode).                                       // 50
          rootUrl: rootUrl // 51
        }); // 52
      } // 53
      // 54
      return URL._constructUrl( // 55
      Meteor.absoluteUrl('_oauth/' + serviceName, absoluteUrlOptions), // 56
      query, // 57
      params); // 58

Error is comming on Meteor.absoluteUrl line 56.

though i did below to fix the issues, but error persists.

__meteor_runtime_config__ = {
  "meteorEnv": {},
  DDP_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_URL: "https://www.fixonclick.com",
  ROOT_URL: 'https://www.fixonclick.com/',
  MOBILE_ROOT_URL: 'https://www.fixonclick.com',

ok my mistake the meteor runtime config should look like following to make it work:

__meteor_runtime_config__ = {
  "meteorEnv": {},
  DDP_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_URL: "https://www.fixonclick.com",
  ROOT_URL: 'http://localhost:8100',
  MOBILE_ROOT_URL: 'http://localhost:8100',

But then now i am getting another error on login popup of google and facebook

Cannot GET /_oauth/facebook?code=AQC4ChXQ7ejWcmsJ9_M9EqTSJxwm2F8-_Zivqzm3NbOMBRSLkEWTrYw9rJutoTBlqQ6s2v8lM5-9FOkbmCW0onC9aExinGWRfsKdnqZQwcXVQK7X4T6wkjCz4NVH9jIUq9oS5cOl0Nff3iCWV4kNNxtjGso-IFBjf2N_hy5tjlu2izwa0BLYoGvGAnB5t3yAT9PdTNYd9JE9k6-UzejO8uDjL6mewcI9lCmHMe5r9W-OWI9HPSVx6o6VeKFlxmHpcUUwDXI067YxAtkTFxBOFE40vm9RB_jZfeQF9lToECuTQtGyYWzFeHeAYYZ6A8Er8KY&state=eyJsb2dpblN0eWxlIjoicG9wdXAiLCJjcmVkZW50aWFs