Simple JS/Meteor question

Hey I am new to developing in JS and METEOR and I have a small issue. The web app I am trying to make is a simple presentation app where the contents are stored in a DB. (Im guessing there are better ways to do what im about to describe) :

Heres my presentation template in main.html

<h2 style="text-align: center;"><kbd>{{gettitle}}</kbd></h2>
<pstyle="text-align: center; font-size: 20px;">{{content}}</p>

Here is the main.js

Title = new Mongo.Collection(‘title’);
Content = new Mongo.Collection(‘content’);

slideIndex = 1;{

if (event.key == ‘ArrowRight’) {
console.log(“You pressed Right”);
slideIndex = slideIndex + 1;

} else if (event.key == 'ArrowLeft') {
  console.log("You pressed Left");
  slideIndex = slideIndex - 1;





// console.log(Title.findOne({slide:slideIndex}));
var findTitleObj = Title.findOne({slide:slideIndex});
var titleText = findTitleObj.text;
// console.log(titleText);
return titleText;


var findContentObj = Content.findOne({slide:slideIndex});
var contentText = findContentObj.text;
return contentText;


The code works as intended, initially when slideIndex is 1 it fetches the title and content. When I press the right arrow key the slideIndex is updated but the presentation template won’t update the title or content. I would have to switch between templates to see the results. Is there anyway I can fix this issue? (Im guessing its simple, do forgive me for the title if it isn’t :slight_smile: )

Thank you

What you want is to bind your helpers to a reactive dependency. In this case you want that dependency to be the slide index.

Easiest way is to use a ReactiveVar instead of a plain js variable to hold the slideIndex.
First add it to your project:

$ meteor add reactive-var

Then use it in the code:

import { ReactiveVar } from 'meteor/reactive-var';  // <-- added
slideIndex = new ReactiveVar(1);  // <-- changed{
        if(event.key == 'ArrowRight') {
            console.log(“You pressed Right”);
            slideIndex.set(slideIndex.get() + 1); // <-- changed
        } else if (event.key == 'ArrowLeft') {
            console.log("You pressed Left");
            slideIndex.set(slideIndex.get() - 1); // <-- changed

    gettitle() {
        // console.log(Title.findOne({slide:slideIndex}));
        var findTitleObj = Title.findOne({ slide: slideIndex.get() }); // <-- changed
        var titleText = findTitleObj.text;
        // console.log(titleText);
        return titleText;


    content() {
        var findContentObj = Content.findOne({ slide: slideIndex.get() }); // <-- changed
        var contentText = findContentObj.text;
        return contentText;


Have a read of this section of the Client-side data with reactive stores section of the guide:

The key things being, a reactive data source used inside a helper or autorun will cause that helper or autorun to re-run automatically whenever it’s value changes. Collections are reactive by default, as are ReactiveVars and ReactiveDicts. These are the single most powerful part of Meteor’s reactivity model.


Thank you so much for the help. Yeah shortly after i posted this question I was able to find resources on session and reactive variables and ended up using the session variables.

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