Simple meteor App State with Redux concepts

Hi, i just share how i use meteor + react in my project.
I using react-meteor-data lib which created and maintain by MDG. It may be good way to handle data in meteor. But in react, You must have ability to control app state (like Flux, Redux,…) , and react-meteor-data does not support. So i tried to create a lib to manage app state. If it can help you, great !
Here is it:

ALL in one file. This lib cloned redux concepts.

And i created an example for it:


  • Redux way
  • Compatible with some redux middleware : redux-logger, redux-thunk, redux-diff-logger , … (didn’t test all)
  • Atomic update specific state

Disclaimer: Iam not good at english, please correct me.

@mrphu3074 can also make something that mimics mobX ? =)