SimpleSchema custom error messages

Hi all,
I’m trying to use the tap:i18n strings for the error messages.

  maxString: TAPi18n.__("MAXSTRING_ERROR");

This does not work and meteor process is killed with following error message

TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'en'
    at [object Object].__ (packages/tap:i18n/lib/tap_i18n/

Anyone has any idea on this? I may need a solution to

@aldeed, can you please help me ?

There was an issue with the script execution order. Its resolved now

Hi, I’m experiencing the same issue. Can you please share how you fixed it? Thank you.

In my case, I eventually got it to work by executing the SimpleSchema.messages() on Meteor.startup as follows:

Meteor.startup(function () {

Any comment is welcome, thank you.