Slow meteor build - especially files read/write

Hello everyone,

We recently switched from Digital Ocean to AWS for our instances.
For our main staging server, we run a separate EC2 instance which we also use to meteor build our branches and deploy staging docker containers.

These EC2 instances run standard GP3 EBS volumes with a current limit of 6000 IOPS, 300 MB/s throughput.

The thing is, that our deployments seem incredibly slow and, I feel, the disk is the limiting factor.
The total build takes about 800 seconds!
Look at these build logs:

| Top leaves:
| files.readFile.........................................336,310 ms (612677)
| other Target#minifyJs..................................126,199 ms (1)
| other Builder#copyNodeModulesDirectory..................96,482 ms (35)
| files.stat..............................................52,666 ms (745469)
| files.watchFile.........................................26,130 ms (348291)
| files.readdir...........................................25,755 ms (23790)
| files.writeFile.........................................23,947 ms (269459)
| files.lstat.............................................14,351 ms (333379)
| other,581 ms (2542549)

Can someone give me any comparison numbers? This seems all very slow to me. (bundler writeSiteArchive..............................542,202 ms).

Any recommendations? Anyone ran into similar issues on AWS with EBS? Am I missing something?

Thank you!
best, Patrick

Full log:


| files.stat                                                        0 ms (2)
| files.readFile                                                    3 ms (2)
| require("meteor/socket-stream-client")                            2 ms (1)
| Npm.require("faye-websocket")                                    18 ms (1)
| Npm.require("permessage-deflate")                                17 ms (1)
| meteor build................................................819,004 ms (1)
| ├─ ProjectContext prepareProjectForBuild.....................10,650 ms (1)
| │  ├─ _resolveConstraints.....................................8,921 ms (1)
| │  │  ├─ bundler.readJsImage....................................260 ms (1)
| │  │  │  └─ meteorNpm.rebuildIfNonPortable......................233 ms (18)
| │  │  │     └─ meteorNpm.isPortable                             166 ms (343)
| │  │  ├─ JsImage#load.........................................1,380 ms (1)
| │  │  │  ├─ runJavaScript packages/dynamic-import.js............270 ms (1)
| │  │  │  │  └─ require("/node_modules/meteor/dynamic-import/server.js").269 ms (1)
| │  │  │  │     └─ require("./security.js")                      266 ms (1)
| │  │  │  ├─ runJavaScript packages/ejson.js                     101 ms (1)
| │  │  │  ├─ runJavaScript packages/npm-mongo.js.................287 ms (1)
| │  │  │  │  └─ Npm.require("mongodb")                           286 ms (1)
| │  │  │  └─ runJavaScript packages/boilerplate-generator.js.....203 ms (1)
| │  │  │     └─ require("/node_modules/meteor/boilerplate-generator/generator.js").179 ms (1)
| │  │  │        └─ require("/node_modules/meteor/boilerplate-generator/template-web.browser.js").108 ms (1)
| │  │  │           └─ require("/node_modules/meteor/boilerplate-generator/template.js").108 ms (1)
| │  │  │              └─ require("/node_modules/meteor/boilerplate-generator/node_modules/lodash.template/index.js") 107 ms (1)
| │  │  └─ Select Package Versions..............................7,262 ms (1)
| │  │     ├─ Input#loadFromCatalog.............................4,086 ms (1)
| │  │     │  ├─ sqlite query                                     760 ms (235)
| │  │     │  └─ other Input#loadFromCatalog                    3,326 ms
| │  │     ├─ new CS.Solver.......................................313 ms (1)
| │  │     │  └─ Solver#analyze...................................313 ms (1)
| │  │     │     └─ analyze allowed versions                      214 ms (1)
| │  │     └─ Solver#getAnswer..................................2,749 ms (1)
| │  │        ├─ new Logic.Solver (MiniSat start-up)              335 ms (1)
| │  │        ├─ generate package variables                       356 ms (1)
| │  │        ├─ generate dependency requirements                 213 ms (1)
| │  │        ├─ generate constraints                           1,001 ms (1)
| │  │        ├─ pre-solve                                        135 ms (1)
| │  │        └─ minimize conflicts                               300 ms (1)
| │  └─ _buildLocalPackages.....................................1,659 ms (1)
| │     ├─ _ensurePackageLoaded(accounts-base)....................565 ms (1)
| │     │  ├─ _ensurePackageLoaded(ecmascript)....................268 ms (1)
| │     │  │  ├─ IsopackCache Load local isopack..................133 ms (1)
| │     │  │  │  └─ Isopack#initFromPath..........................132 ms (1)
| │     │  │  │     └─ bundler.readJsImage........................132 ms (1)
| │     │  │  │        └─ meteorNpm.rebuildIfNonPortable          130 ms (8)
| │     │  │  └─ _ensurePackageLoaded(babel-compiler).............123 ms (1)
| │     │  │     └─ IsopackCache Load local isopack...............102 ms (1)
| │     │  │        └─ Isopack#initFromPath.......................102 ms (1)
| │     │  │           └─ meteorNpm.rebuildIfNonPortable          101 ms (1)
| │     │  └─ _ensurePackageLoaded(ddp)...........................195 ms (1)
| │     │     └─ _ensurePackageLoaded(ddp-server).................169 ms (1)
| │     │        └─ _ensurePackageLoaded(webapp)..................162 ms (1)
| │     │           └─ _ensurePackageLoaded(logging)..............108 ms (1)
| │     │              └─ _ensurePackageLoaded(typescript)........104 ms (1)
| │     │                 └─ IsopackCache Load local isopack......104 ms (1)
| │     │                    └─ Isopack#initFromPath..............103 ms (1)
| │     │                       └─ bundler.readJsImage            101 ms (1)
| │     ├─ _ensurePackageLoaded(fourseven:scss)...................182 ms (1)
| │     │  └─ IsopackCache Load local isopack.....................182 ms (1)
| │     │     └─ Isopack#initFromPath.............................182 ms (1)
| │     │        └─ bundler.readJsImage...........................182 ms (1)
| │     │           └─ meteorNpm.rebuildIfNonPortable.............178 ms (11)
| │     │              └─ meteorNpm.isPortable                    131 ms (381)
| │     ├─ _ensurePackageLoaded(standard-minifier-css)............220 ms (1)
| │     │  └─ IsopackCache Load local isopack.....................220 ms (1)
| │     │     └─ Isopack#initFromPath.............................220 ms (1)
| │     │        └─ bundler.readJsImage...........................219 ms (1)
| │     │           └─ meteorNpm.rebuildIfNonPortable.............214 ms (13)
| │     │              └─ meteorNpm.isPortable                    129 ms (292)
| │     ├─ _ensurePackageLoaded(standard-minifier-js).............165 ms (1)
| │     │  └─ IsopackCache Load local isopack.....................165 ms (1)
| │     │     └─ Isopack#initFromPath.............................165 ms (1)
| │     │        └─ bundler.readJsImage...........................164 ms (1)
| │     │           └─ meteorNpm.rebuildIfNonPortable.............161 ms (12)
| │     │              └─ meteorNpm.isPortable                    103 ms (225)
| │     └─ _ensurePackageLoaded(static-html)......................125 ms (1)
| │        └─ IsopackCache Load local isopack.....................125 ms (1)
| │           └─ Isopack#initFromPath.............................125 ms (1)
| │              └─ bundler.readJsImage...........................124 ms (1)
| │                 └─ meteorNpm.rebuildIfNonPortable             109 ms (13)
| └─ bundler.bundle...........................................808,256 ms (1)
|    ├─ compiler.compile(the app)..............................61,023 ms (1)
|    │  └─ compileUnibuild (the app)...........................61,022 ms (3)
|    │     ├─ Isopack#ensurePluginsInitialized..................3,674 ms (60)
|    │     │  └─ JsImage#load...................................3,667 ms (9)
|    │     │    // removed some stuff
|    │     ├─ PackageSource#_findSources for os................23,666 ms (1)
|    │     │  ├─ _realpath........................................627 ms (12417)
|    │     │  │  ├─ files.lstat                                   488 ms (12417)
|    │     │  │  └─ other _realpath                               138 ms
|    │     │  ├─                                109 ms (15827)
|    │     │  ├─ files.readdirWithTypes                         1,043 ms (24830)
|    │     │  ├─ optimistic readJsonOrNull.....................19,608 ms (12238)
|    │     │  │  ├─ ms (24516)
|    │     │  │  │  ├─ files.stat                                 236 ms (8758)
|    │     │  │  │  ├─ files.watchFile                            353 ms (8758)
|    │     │  │  │  └─ other                    136 ms
|    │     │  │  ├─ optimistic readFile........................18,333 ms (12238)
|    │     │  │  │  └─ files.readFile                          18,277 ms (12238)
|    │     │  │  └─ other optimistic readJsonOrNull               551 ms
|    │     │  ├─ shouldWatch......................................410 ms (12238)
|    │     │  │  ├─                             146 ms (1910)
|    │     │  │  └─ other shouldWatch                             242 ms
|    │     │  └─ other PackageSource#_findSources for os        1,838 ms
|    │     ├─ optimistic hashOrNull.............................2,440 ms (25419)
|    │     │  ├─ optimistic readFile............................1,663 ms (25419)
|    │     │  │  └─ files.readFile                              1,602 ms (25419)
|    │     │  ├─ sha1                                             426 ms (25419)
|    │     │  └─ other optimistic hashOrNull                      325 ms
|    │     ├─ shouldWatch                                         400 ms (25419)
|    │     ├─                                   183 ms (59914)
|    │     ├─ optimistic readFile..............................23,602 ms (25419)
|    │     │  └─ files.readFile                                23,515 ms (25419)
|    │     ├─ PackageSource#_findSources for web.browser........1,061 ms (1)
|    │     │  ├─ _realpath                                        144 ms (12541)
|    │     │  ├─ optimistic readJsonOrNull........................197 ms (120)
|    │     │  │  └─ optimistic readFile...........................187 ms (120)
|    │     │  │     └─ files.readFile                             186 ms (120)
|    │     │  └─ other PackageSource#_findSources for web.browser 620 ms
|    │     └─ other compileUnibuild (the app)                   5,981 ms
|    ├─ bundler.bundle..makeClientTarget......................197,549 ms (1)
|    │  └─ Target#make........................................197,549 ms (1)
|    │     ├─ Target#_runCompilerPlugins..........................364 ms (1)
|    │     │  └─ plugin static-html                               101 ms (1)
|    │     ├─ Target#_emitResources............................62,652 ms (1)
|    │     │  ├─ PackageSourceBatch.computeJsOutputFilesMap....59,487 ms (1)
|    │     │  │  ├─ ImportScanner#realPath......................1,194 ms (4617)
|    │     │  │  │  ├─ optimistic lstat...........................159 ms (6062)
|    │     │  │  │  │  └─ files.lstat                             142 ms (6062)
|    │     │  │  │  ├─ ms (12723)
|    │     │  │  │  │  └─ files.watchFile                         215 ms (4049)
|    │     │  │  │  └─ other ImportScanner#realPath               624 ms
|    │     │  │  ├─ ImportScanner#scanImports for ecmascript-runtime-client.284 ms (1)
|    │     │  │  │  └─ ImportScanner#resolve                      104 ms (192)
|    │     │  │  ├─ ImportScanner#scanImports for base64........1,899 ms (1)
|    │     │  │  │  ├─ Npm.require("@meteorjs/babel")             633 ms (1)
|    │     │  │  │  └─ other ImportScanner#scanImports for base64 1,165 ms
|    │     │  │  ├─ ImportScanner#scanImports for aldeed:simple-schema 241 ms (1)
|    │     │  │  ├─ ImportScanner#scanImports for zodern:relay..1,625 ms (1)
|    │     │  │  │  ├─ Npm.require("@meteorjs/babel")             519 ms (1)
|    │     │  │  │  └─ other ImportScanner#scanImports for zodern:relay 1,096 ms
|    │     │  │  ├─ ImportScanner#scanImports for the app......52,521 ms (1)
|    │     │  │  │  ├─                          107 ms (572)
|    │     │  │  │  ├─ Babel.compile                            1,485 ms (693)
|    │     │  │  │  ├─ ImportScanner#findImportedModuleIdentifiers.8,372 ms (5752)
|    │     │  │  │  │  ├─ jsAnalyze.parse                       7,400 ms (5219)
|    │     │  │  │  │  ├─ findImportedModuleIdentifiersVisitor    596 ms (5219)
|    │     │  │  │  │  └─ other ImportScanner#findImportedModuleIdentifiers 360 ms
|    │     │  │  │  ├─ ImportScanner#resolve...................18,020 ms (19614)
|    │     │  │  │  │  ├─ files.stat                            6,718 ms (29011)
|    │     │  │  │  │  ├─,195 ms (50761)
|    │     │  │  │  │  │  ├─ files.stat                         6,462 ms (27309)
|    │     │  │  │  │  │  ├─ files.watchFile                    1,092 ms (27309)
|    │     │  │  │  │  │  └─ other              641 ms
|    │     │  │  │  │  ├─ ImportScanner#addPkgJsonToOutput........297 ms (5247)
|    │     │  │  │  │  │  └─ ImportScanner#resolvePkgJsonBrowserAliases.238 ms (442)
|    │     │  │  │  │  │     └─ files.stat                        105 ms (362)
|    │     │  │  │  │  ├─ optimistic readJsonOrNull...............155 ms (139)
|    │     │  │  │  │  │  └─ optimistic readFile..................148 ms (139)
|    │     │  │  │  │  │     └─ files.readFile                    147 ms (139)
|    │     │  │  │  │  └─ other ImportScanner#resolve           2,572 ms
|    │     │  │  │  ├─ ImportScanner#realPath.....................915 ms (5051)
|    │     │  │  │  │  ├─ optimistic lstat........................159 ms (6386)
|    │     │  │  │  │  │  └─ files.lstat                          126 ms (6386)
|    │     │  │  │  │  ├─ shouldWatch                             125 ms (6385)
|    │     │  │  │  │  └─ other ImportScanner#realPath            593 ms
|    │     │  │  │  ├─ ImportScanner#readFile...................6,324 ms (5052)
|    │     │  │  │  │  ├─ optimistic readFile...................5,451 ms (5052)
|    │     │  │  │  │  │  └─ files.readFile                     5,430 ms (5052)
|    │     │  │  │  │  ├─ optimistic hashOrNull...................368 ms (5051)
|    │     │  │  │  │  │  └─ optimistic readFile..................189 ms (5051)
|    │     │  │  │  │  │     └─ files.readFile                    172 ms (5051)
|    │     │  │  │  │  └─ other ImportScanner#readFile            481 ms
|    │     │  │  │  ├─ DefaultHandlers.js.......................5,485 ms (5050)
|    │     │  │  │  │  ├─ reifyCompileWithCache.................5,373 ms (4963)
|    │     │  │  │  │  │  ├─ files.readFile                     5,259 ms (4885)
|    │     │  │  │  │  │  └─ other reifyCompileWithCache          114 ms
|    │     │  │  │  │  └─ other DefaultHandlers.js                112 ms
|    │     │  │  │  ├─ CssTools.minifyCssAsync                  2,634 ms (8)
|    │     │  │  │  └─ other ImportScanner#scanImports for the app 8,978 ms
|    │     │  │  ├─ PackageSourceBatch._watchOutputFiles..........551 ms (1)
|    │     │  │  │  └─ optimistic hashOrNull......................494 ms (453)
|    │     │  │  │     └─ optimistic readFile.....................482 ms (453)
|    │     │  │  │        └─ files.readFile                       481 ms (453)
|    │     │  │  └─ other PackageSourceBatch.computeJsOutputFilesMap 199 ms
|    │     │  ├─ PackageSourceBatch#getResources................2,284 ms (78)
|    │     │  │  └─ PackageSourceBatch#_linkJS..................2,280 ms (78)
|    │     │  │     ├─ files.readFile                           1,212 ms (78)
|    │     │  │     └─ other PackageSourceBatch#_linkJS         1,058 ms
|    │     │  ├─ sha512                                           119 ms (2418)
|    │     │  └─ other Target#_emitResources                      732 ms
|    │     ├─ Target#minifyJs.................................127,257 ms (1)
|    │     │  ├─ Npm.require("terser")                            537 ms (1)
|    │     │  ├─ Npm.require("@meteorjs/babel")                   462 ms (1)
|    │     │  └─ other Target#minifyJs                        126,199 ms
|    │     └─ ClientTarget#minifyCss............................7,203 ms (1)
|    │        ├─ mergeCss.........................................312 ms (1)
|    │        │  ├─ CssTools.parseCss                             311 ms (1)
|    │        │  └─ CssTools.stringifyCss                         400 ms (1)
|    │        ├─ CssTools.minifyCssAsync                          386 ms (1)
|    │        └─ other ClientTarget#minifyCss                   6,500 ms
|    ├─ bundler.bundle..makeServerTarget........................6,266 ms (1)
|    │  └─ Target#make..........................................6,266 ms (1)
|    │     ├─ Target#_runCompilerPlugins                          196 ms (1)
|    │     └─ Target#_emitResources.............................6,030 ms (1)
|    │        ├─ PackageSourceBatch.computeJsOutputFilesMap.....5,632 ms (1)
|    │        │  ├─ ImportScanner#realPath........................471 ms (4056)
|    │        │  │  ├─ optimistic lstat...........................237 ms (570)
|    │        │  │  │  └─ files.lstat                             236 ms (570)
|    │        │  │  └─ other ImportScanner#realPath               194 ms
|    │        │  ├─ ImportScanner#scanImports for base64          111 ms (1)
|    │        │  ├─ ImportScanner#scanImports for aldeed:simple-schema 112 ms (1)
|    │        │  ├─ ImportScanner#scanImports for montiapm:agent  237 ms (1)
|    │        │  ├─ ImportScanner#scanImports for zodern:relay    118 ms (1)
|    │        │  ├─ ImportScanner#scanImports for the app.......3,232 ms (1)
|    │        │  │  ├─ Babel.compile                              463 ms (177)
|    │        │  │  ├─ ImportScanner#findImportedModuleIdentifiers.557 ms (405)
|    │        │  │  │  └─ jsAnalyze.parse                         490 ms (207)
|    │        │  │  ├─ ImportScanner#resolve....................1,558 ms (1921)
|    │        │  │  │  ├─ files.stat                              665 ms (2324)
|    │        │  │  │  ├─ ms (4228)
|    │        │  │  │  │  └─ files.stat                           470 ms (2174)
|    │        │  │  │  └─ other ImportScanner#resolve             245 ms
|    │        │  │  ├─ ImportScanner#readFile.....................186 ms (228)
|    │        │  │  │  └─ optimistic readFile.....................154 ms (156)
|    │        │  │  │     └─ files.readFile                       154 ms (156)
|    │        │  │  ├─ DefaultHandlers.js.........................261 ms (213)
|    │        │  │  │  └─ reifyCompileWithCache...................258 ms (213)
|    │        │  │  │     └─ files.readFile                       254 ms (210)
|    │        │  │  └─ other ImportScanner#scanImports for the app 124 ms
|    │        │  ├─ PackageSourceBatch._watchOutputFiles..........201 ms (1)
|    │        │  │  └─ optimistic hashOrNull......................192 ms (141)
|    │        │  │     └─ optimistic readFile.....................186 ms (141)
|    │        │  │        └─ files.readFile                       185 ms (141)
|    │        │  └─ other PackageSourceBatch.computeJsOutputFilesMap 101 ms
|    │        └─ PackageSourceBatch#getResources..................342 ms (90)
|    │           └─ PackageSourceBatch#_linkJS....................339 ms (90)
|    │              └─ files.readFile                             268 ms (90)
|    ├─ bundler writeSiteArchive..............................542,202 ms (1)
|    │  ├─ bundler writeTargetToPath..........................541,604 ms (2)
|    │  │  ├─ ClientTarget#write..................................695 ms (1)
|    │  │  │  ├─ files.stat                                       113 ms (2304)
|    │  │  │  ├─ bundler writeFile................................418 ms (2690)
|    │  │  │  │  └─ Builder#write.................................320 ms (2690)
|    │  │  │  │     └─ files.writeFile                            258 ms (2690)
|    │  │  │  └─ other ClientTarget#write                         110 ms
|    │  │  └─ ServerTarget#write..............................540,889 ms (1)
|    │  │     ├─ Builder#write....................................150 ms (22)
|    │  │     │  └─ files.readFile                                116 ms (42)
|    │  │     └─ JsImage#write................................540,674 ms (1)
|    │  │        ├─ files.stat                                  9,999 ms (25755)
|    │  │        ├─ meteorNpm.isPortable........................5,026 ms (35)
|    │  │        │  └─ meteorNpm.isPortable.....................4,947 ms (449)
|    │  │        │     ├─ optimistic readJsonOrNull...............696 ms (408)
|    │  │        │     │  └─ optimistic readFile..................691 ms (408)
|    │  │        │     │     └─ files.readFile                    689 ms (408)
|    │  │        │     └─ meteorNpm.isPortable..................4,126 ms (275)
|    │  │        │        ├─ optimistic readJsonOrNull............563 ms (359)
|    │  │        │        │  └─ optimistic readFile...............546 ms (359)
|    │  │        │        │     └─ files.readFile                 544 ms (359)
|    │  │        │        └─ meteorNpm.isPortable...............3,431 ms (596)
|    │  │        │           ├─ files.stat                        289 ms (294)
|    │  │        │           └─ meteorNpm.isPortable............2,954 ms (1595)
|    │  │        │              ├─ files.stat                     374 ms (355)
|    │  │        │              ├─ meteorNpm.isPortable.........1,968 ms (5592)
|    │  │        │              │  ├─ optimistic lstat............178 ms (5584)
|    │  │        │              │  │  └─ files.lstat              164 ms (5584)
|    │  │        │              │  ├─ files.stat                  164 ms (197)
|    │  │        │              │  ├─ optimistic readJsonOrNull...173 ms (222)
|    │  │        │              │  │  └─ optimistic readFile......156 ms (222)
|    │  │        │              │  │     └─ files.readFile        155 ms (222)
|    │  │        │              │  ├─ meteorNpm.isPortable......1,119 ms (1071)
|    │  │        │              │  │  ├─ files.stat               108 ms (110)
|    │  │        │              │  │  └─ meteorNpm.isPortable.....859 ms (1299)
|    │  │        │              │  │     └─ meteorNpm.isPortable..583 ms (664)
|    │  │        │              │  │        └─ meteorNpm.isPortable.407 ms (253)
|    │  │        │              │  │           └─ meteorNpm.isPortable.351 ms (166)
|    │  │        │              │  │              └─ meteorNpm.isPortable 215 ms (589)
|    │  │        │              │  └─ other meteorNpm.isPortable  217 ms
|    │  │        │              ├─ optimistic readJsonOrNull......256 ms (280)
|    │  │        │              │  └─ optimistic readFile.........233 ms (280)
|    │  │        │              │     └─ files.readFile           231 ms (280)
|    │  │        │              └─ other meteorNpm.isPortable     149 ms
|    │  │        ├─ Builder#copyNodeModulesDirectory..........514,688 ms (35)
|    │  │        │  ├─ Builder#_ensureDirectory................14,612 ms (23476)
|    │  │        │  │  ├─ files.stat                            9,657 ms (70536)
|    │  │        │  │  ├─ files.mkdir                           1,869 ms (23512)
|    │  │        │  │  └─ other Builder#_ensureDirectory        3,087 ms
|    │  │        │  ├─,402 ms (2400228)
|    │  │        │  │  ├─ files.stat                            7,723 ms (264098)
|    │  │        │  │  ├─ files.watchFile                      22,515 ms (264098)
|    │  │        │  │  └─ other              12,164 ms
|    │  │        │  ├─ optimistic lstat........................14,158 ms (277828)
|    │  │        │  │  ├─ files.lstat                          12,858 ms (277828)
|    │  │        │  │  └─ other optimistic lstat                1,300 ms
|    │  │        │  ├─ shouldWatch                              3,306 ms (277910)
|    │  │        │  ├─ files.stat                               2,718 ms (256084)
|    │  │        │  ├─ optimistic hashOrNull..................276,546 ms (262459)
|    │  │        │  │  ├─                     1,226 ms (593308)
|    │  │        │  │  ├─ optimistic readFile.................261,848 ms (262459)
|    │  │        │  │  │  ├─ files.readFile                   260,348 ms (262459)
|    │  │        │  │  │  └─ other optimistic readFile          1,501 ms
|    │  │        │  │  ├─ sha1                                  4,472 ms (262459)
|    │  │        │  │  └─ other optimistic hashOrNull           9,000 ms
|    │  │        │  ├─ optimistic readFile.....................15,050 ms (262562)
|    │  │        │  │  ├─ files.readFile                       14,055 ms (262562)
|    │  │        │  │  └─ other optimistic readFile               995 ms
|    │  │        │  ├─ files.writeFile                         23,634 ms (266567)
|    │  │        │  ├─ optimistic readdir......................25,683 ms (22111)
|    │  │        │  │  └─ files.readdir                        25,585 ms (22111)
|    │  │        │  └─ other Builder#copyNodeModulesDirectory  96,482 ms
|    │  │        ├─,380 ms (50093)
|    │  │        │  ├─ files.stat                               4,825 ms (27254)
|    │  │        │  ├─ files.watchFile                          1,067 ms (27254)
|    │  │        │  └─ other                    489 ms
|    │  │        ├─ optimistic readJsonOrNull...................2,705 ms (1987)
|    │  │        │  ├─ optimistic readFile......................2,494 ms (1987)
|    │  │        │  │  └─ files.readFile                        2,486 ms (1987)
|    │  │        │  └─ other optimistic readJsonOrNull            204 ms
|    │  │        └─ other JsImage#write                         1,786 ms
|    │  └─ other bundler writeSiteArchive                         539 ms
|    └─ other bundler.bundle                                    1,207 ms
| Top leaves:
| files.readFile.........................................336,310 ms (612677)
| other Target#minifyJs..................................126,199 ms (1)
| other Builder#copyNodeModulesDirectory..................96,482 ms (35)
| files.stat..............................................52,666 ms (745469)
| files.watchFile.........................................26,130 ms (348291)
| files.readdir...........................................25,755 ms (23790)
| files.writeFile.........................................23,947 ms (269459)
| files.lstat.............................................14,351 ms (333379)
| other,581 ms (2542549)
| other optimistic hashOrNull..............................9,419 ms (293523)
| other ImportScanner#scanImports for the app..............9,102 ms (2)
| jsAnalyze.parse..........................................8,645 ms (5765)
| other ClientTarget#minifyCss.............................6,500 ms (1)
| other compileUnibuild (the app)..........................5,981 ms (3)
| sha1.....................................................5,113 ms (302865)
| other Input#loadFromCatalog..............................3,326 ms (1)
| other Builder#_ensureDirectory...........................3,087 ms (23476)
| CssTools.minifyCssAsync..................................3,021 ms (9)
| other ImportScanner#resolve..............................2,817 ms (21535)
| other optimistic readFile................................2,757 ms (602465)
| Babel.compile............................................2,666 ms (1206)
| files.mkdir..............................................1,928 ms (24314)
| other PackageSource#_findSources for os..................1,838 ms (1)
| other JsImage#write......................................1,786 ms (1)
| other ImportScanner#realPath.............................1,411 ms (13724)
| other optimistic lstat...................................1,365 ms (296430)
|,299 ms (647810)
| other bundler.bundle.....................................1,207 ms (1)
| other ImportScanner#scanImports for base64...............1,165 ms (1)
| files.readdirWithTypes...................................1,140 ms (50338)
| other PackageSourceBatch#_linkJS.........................1,122 ms (168)
| other ImportScanner#scanImports for zodern:relay.........1,096 ms (1)
| generate constraints.....................................1,001 ms (1)
| other optimistic readJsonOrNull............................830 ms (15753)
| sqlite query...............................................821 ms (342)
| other Target#_emitResources................................788 ms (2)
| other meteorNpm.isPortable.................................740 ms (11995)
| findImportedModuleIdentifiersVisitor.......................690 ms (5765)
| other PackageSource#_findSources for web.browser...........620 ms (1)
| shouldWatch................................................553 ms (42049)
| other bundler writeSiteArchive.............................539 ms (1)
| other ImportScanner#readFile...............................500 ms (5280)
| CssTools.stringifyCss......................................488 ms (9)
| other ImportScanner#findImportedModuleIdentifiers..........388 ms (6157)
| CssTools.parseCss..........................................369 ms (9)
| generate package variables.................................356 ms (1)
| require("./security.js")...................................339 ms (6)
| new Logic.Solver (MiniSat start-up)........................335 ms (1)
| other PackageSourceBatch.computeJsOutputFilesMap...........300 ms (2)
| minimize conflicts.........................................300 ms (1)
| ImportScanner#getAbsModuleId...............................242 ms (14805)
| other shouldWatch..........................................242 ms (12238)
| analyze allowed versions...................................214 ms (1)
| sha512.....................................................213 ms (4937)
| generate dependency requirements...........................213 ms (1)
| other _realpath............................................138 ms (12417)
| pre-solve..................................................135 ms (1)
| other reifyCompileWithCache................................118 ms (5176)
| other DefaultHandlers.js...................................115 ms (5263)
| other ClientTarget#write...................................110 ms (1)
| files.realpath.............................................105 ms (1058)
| (#1) Total: 819,044 ms (meteor build)