Solid docs on Cucumber and Velocity?

I’m having trouble finding good docs on Cucumber and Velocity. I find it odd that the sample code on Cucumber’s website is pretty complete for Ruby, but not for Javascript, which I’d assume way more people are using with Cucumber!

I bought Sam Hatoum’s (@sam) Meteor Testing book but it’s still in development. I’m looking for more of a reference of all the calls I can make (getText, waitForVisible, etc).


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Thanks for the book purchase :smile:

For things like waitForVisible, I think you’re wanting webdriverio docs. There you will find all the different commands available on the browser object.

I’m in the process of writing up all about the different tools used in this package that I think will help. I’ll report back in a few days. Bump this thread if I don’t!

Thanks for that, extremely helpful!

Good luck on your book, looking forward to its completion!