[SOLVED] Bert no funciona en Meteor?

Hola, saludos cordiales, en esta oportunidad quiero pedirle ayuda con Alertas Bert de:


cada vez que llamo la función como se indica en DOC, mis alertas no funcionan debidamente.

Llamada 1:
Bert.alert('Hola','info', 'growl-top-right', 'fas fa-info');

Llamada 2:

Nota: en la llamada 1 no muestra el fa-info, en la llamada 2 muestra el mismo cuadro vacío

Meteor paquetes Usados:


Como hago para hacelo funcionar bien? gracias de antemano por la ayuda.!

Have you inserted the fontawesome css from their CDN ?

Just create a free account there and insert your custom code in the head of your main.html. I think that will do the trick.

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@ivo Thanks friend, I didn’t know what to add in the head the fontawesome js would solve the problem, good solution. :+1:

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sorry for off topic, but is that spanish or some other language recipes, lol?
regardless, how you knew, ivo, that answering in english would help the guy? :smiley: thanks

Well there is a beauty called Google Translate which ensured me I understood the question :laughing: though I can decode some spanish as it’s similar to french. Also in IT generally people understand english to a certain point as you kinda need if for documentation/packages… So I rather reply in (more or less) proper english and let him use a translator if needed rather than use a translator myself and give an approximative answer :smiley:

And tbh I ran into the same issue 4 days ago :smiley: