[Solved] Connect to Mongodb AWS EC2 Remotely Meteor

Hi everyone,

The Project was Deployed using Meteor up. I want to connect my MongoDB at AWS EC2 Machine Remotely using MongoDB Compass

Here are the steps I followed using this blog

[How to connect to your remote MongoDB server – Ian London's Blog](Mongo DB Remote Connection Blog)

  1. Set up your user - Done

  2. Enable auth and open MongoDB access up to all IPs

  • There was no File named as /etc/mongod.conf. As there is no external Service configured for Mongodb. I uses Meteor up for Deployment
  1. Open port 27017 on your EC2 instance - It could be done

  2. Restart mongo daemon - No Service Found

Is this the right way for connecting the Mongodb remotely or something is missing?

Basically, What I think is the issue is with Bind Ip, as Meteor up does not use the default settings.
Any help would be appreciated.

Solution Found: in Hostname, you need to pass localhost and Port Empty

I think exposing 27017 is not needed.

You should tunnel using port 22 and then use localhost.