[SOLVED] Error when Running HTTP request on server

I’m running an HTTP request when meteor starts from main.js on the server.

I want this request to run again on a timer, so I have set a simple setTimeout function to run it again.

Each time I run the meteor command to start the server the function runs fine and I get the results I expect. But when the timer elapses and it tries to run again I get this error:

Error: Can't wait without a fiber

Here’s my function on the server. Any help is appreciated. I saw some stuff about async, but don’t really understand. I’m not sure how to set the async / await in this function, and don’t grasp why it runs fine the first time.

checkURLsRepeat = function() {
  try {
    console.log("-------- --------- --------");
    console.log("Setting up the next Check.");
    let status = "";
    // code to run on server at startup
    let checkURLs = URLToCheck.find({}).fetch();

    if (typeof checkURLs != 'undefined' && checkURLs != "" && checkURLs != null) {
      for (i=0; i < checkURLs.length; i++) {
          let myURL = checkURLs[i].url;
          HTTP.get(myURL, {mode: 'no-cors'}, function(err, result){
            if (err) {
                console.log("Error:" + myURL + " " + err);
            } else {
                // console.dir(result);
                if (result.statusCode == 200) {
                    let status = "Up";
                    Meteor.call('hostStatus.add', myURL, status, "#32CD32");
                } else if (result.statusCode == 400) {
                  let status = "Bad REquest";
                  console.log("Success! Bad Request Returned.");
                  Meteor.call('hostStatus.add', myURL, status, "#32CD32");
                } else if (result.statusCode == 401) {
                  let status = "Authorization Required";
                  console.log("Success! Authorization Required.");
                  Meteor.call('hostStatus.add', myURL, status, "#ff0000");
                } else if (result.statusCode == 402) {
                  let status = "Payment Required";
                  console.log("Success! Payment Required.");
                  Meteor.call('hostStatus.add', myURL, status, "#ff0000");
                } else if (result.statusCode == 403) {
                  let status = "Access Forbidden";
                  console.log("Success! Access Forbidden.");
                  Meteor.call('hostStatus.add', myURL, status, "#32CD32");
                } else if (result.statusCode == 404) {
                  let status = "Not Found!";
                  console.log("Not Found! Site may be down!");
                  Meteor.call('hostStatus.add', myURL, status, "#ff0000");
                  // this should trigger an alert.
                } else if (result.statusCode == 405) {
                  let status = "Method Not Allowed";
                  console.log("Success! Method Not Allowed");
                  Meteor.call('hostStatus.add', myURL, status, "#32CD32");
                } else if (result.statusCode == 406) {
                  let status = "Not Acceptable";
                  console.log("Host May Be Down! Not Acceptable.");
                  Meteor.call('hostStatus.add', myURL, status, "#FFA500");
                } else if (result.statusCode == 407) {
                  let status = "Proxy Authentication Required";
                  console.log("Success! Proxy Authentication Required.");
                  Meteor.call('hostStatus.add', myURL, status, "#FFA500");
                } else if (result.statusCode == 408) {
                  let status = "Request Timeout";
                  console.log("Host May Be Down! Request Timeout");
                  Meteor.call('hostStatus.add', myURL, status, "#FFA500");
                } else if (result.statusCode == 409) {
                  let status = "Conflict";
                  console.log("Host May Be Down! Conflict");
                  Meteor.call('hostStatus.add', myURL, status, "#FFA500");
                } else if (result.statusCode == 410) {
                  let status = "Gone";
                  console.log("Host May Be Down! Gone");
                  Meteor.call('hostStatus.add', myURL, status, "#FFA500");
                } else if (result.statusCode == 414) {
                  let status = "Request URL Too Large";
                  console.log("Error! Request URL Too Large.");
                  Meteor.call('hostStatus.add', myURL, status, "#FF0000");
                } else if (result.statusCode == 500) {
                  let status = "Internal Server Error";
                  console.log("Site Inoperative. Internal Server Error.");
                  Meteor.call('hostStatus.add', myURL, status, "#FF0000");
    } else {
      console.log("Didn't find any URLs to Check at this time.");
  } catch (error) {
    console.log("Error Occurred: " + error);

Show please, how you run timer?

You need to use Meteor.setTimeout or Meteor.setInterval for fiber-aware intervals.

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Thank you, that solved it. Never realized Meteor had it’s own version of setTimeout.

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