[solved] Expected identifier, number, string, boolean, or null

I am trying to update to 3.0 :

meteor update --release 3.0-beta.6

I get this error :

=> Errors while initializing project:         
While building package rationalk:core:
client/categories/category-selector.html:21: Expected identifier, number, string, boolean, or null
... {{#each category in (categoriesWithGroup...
client/categories/last-created-docs-by-category-id.html:13: Expected identifier, number, string, boolean, or null
...eatedDocsCountMinus1 @index}}            ...
client/categories/last-created-docs.html:11: Expected identifier, number, string, boolean, or null
...eatedDocsCountMinus1 @index}}            ...
client/dashboard/dashboardWidgets.html:32: Expected identifier, number, string, boolean, or null
...Column row.rowNumber @index}}            ...
client/views/viewEdit.html:50: Expected IDENTIFIER
...{{col.groupIndex}}-{{@index}}" data-group...

While building package rationalk:fields:
field-calculated-field.html:37: Expected IDENTIFIER
...>{{_ "Numbers"}} : {{|numberFieldKey1}} +...
field-product-and-qty.html:64: Expected IDENTIFIER
...ete-row" data-row="{{@index}}"><i class="...

The list is longer.

It seems that the error comes from Blaze helpers like this : categoriesWithGroup
(when we call a function)
It was working well before

I define in the html like :

{{#each category in (categoriesWithGroup group.name)}}

and the js :

  categoriesWithGroup: function(groupName) {
  return {blabla: 'blabla'}

Do you have any idea ?

I have found the solution.
This package was needed on top of the list of packages :
