SOLVED How to access the context argument in sub-queries?

I’m working on a migration to Apollo and want to access userId in a sub-query by using the context argument, but context is showing up as undefined.

the schema type:

type Meal {
  _id: String
  name: String
  userId: String
  submitted: String
  photoId: String
  servings: Int
  published: Boolean
  sourceName: String
  sourceUrl: String
  ingredients: [Ingredient]
  steps: [Step]
  grams: Int
  nutrition: Nutrition
  daysWithMeal: [Int]

my root query:

 async publishedMeals(root, args, context) {
      return await PGMeals.findAll( { where: { published: true } } );

daysWithMeal is a ‘synthetic’ field, it doesn’t have a stored value in the database, it is instead produced with its own query using the following resolver:

sub-query for daysWithMeal field which produces an array of integers:

Meal: {
    daysWithMeal: (meal) => db.query(
      d.order as order
      FROM days d
      JOIN day_meals e on e."dayId"= d._id
      WHERE e."mealId" = :mealId and e."userId" = :userId;
    { replacements: { mealId: meal._id, userId: context.userId }, type: db.QueryTypes.SELECT })
    .then((data) => {
      const arr = [];
      console.log("context", context);
      data.forEach((item) => {arr.push(item.order)});
      return arr;

how do I get access to context in the sub query daysWithMeal?

I’ve figured this out:

the resolver should not be a key: value syntax. Instead it should be an async function like this:

async daysWithMeal(data, _, context) {
      return await db.query(
        d.order as order
        FROM days d
        JOIN day_meals e on e."dayId"= d._id
        WHERE e."mealId" = :mealId and e."userId" = :userId;
      { replacements: { mealId: data.dataValues._id, userId: context.userId }, type: db.QueryTypes.SELECT })
      .then((data) => {
        const arr = [];
        data.forEach((item) => {arr.push(item.order)});
        return arr;