[Solved] How to display createdAt timestamp from mongo collection?

Hello, I’m new to mongo, and meteor, so this might be very simple…

During the meteor tasks tutorial, when passing data to the mongo collection, there is a timestamp for “createdAt”.

How can I display this timestamp as a document with the rest of the collection?

In the server side, the collection is successfully inserted and returned in the console:

Meteor.startup(function() {
  // code to run on server at startup

    sensorName: "Temperature",
    sensorValue: "29",
    createdAt: new Date()

As per the tutorial, the following code displays the collection:

export default class Sensdata extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        {this.props.sensor.sensorName} - {this.props.sensor.sensorValue}

There are no errors displayed in the console, the collection renders perfectly, but the time is simply not appearing.

Obviously using “this.props.createdAt” isnt working, so I was wondering how does one actually display the createdAt timestamp alongside the rest of the collection when it is rendered?

Thank you

Have you tried console.logging this.props.createdAt? I’m guessing there’s nothing there - given that every other prop is part of the sensor object which is coming from the same document, I would have to guess that createdAt is too. Try this.props.sensor.createdAt

At that point you will probably get an error for trying to render a date object, in which case try this.props.sensor.createdAt.toString()

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Thanks for your response!

You were correct in that console log of “this.props.createdAt” returned nothing, and “this.props.sensor.createdAt” returned ‘Violation: Objects are not valid as a React child’.

The next possible solution ‘this.props.sensor.createdAt.toString()’ returned an error of “Cannot read property ‘toString’ of undefined”

But I do feel like the toString() idea is in the right direction… does that error possibly mean that I must define createdAt in a variable, then pass it in?.. any other suggestions?

Just to see what happens, I changed the server side insert to include toString:

Meteor.startup(function() {
  // code to run on server at startup

    sensorName: "Temperature",
    sensorValue: "29",
    createdAt: new Date().toString()

This made the date prettier in the console, which is a good thing.

createdAt: ‘Sun Dec 02 2018 14:02:17 GMT-0500 (EST)’ }

I’ll keep playing around.

AFAIK, simply dropping the new part and using createdAt: Date() would insert it as a string on the server. You may want to insert it as a date object though - it can be easier to manipulate that way

The issue with running toString on a mongo date is probably because toString is a native JS Date method, and I guess it doesn’t work with Mongodb ISOdates. I’ve been using Moment.js for everything date-related for a while so I don’t remember the specifics.

EDIT: Actually I was wrong here. Looking back at the error, it sounds like the problem was with createdAt being undefined. Plus, .toString() should work per these docs: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/bson-types/#document-bson-type-date

Regardless, I’m glad it worked out

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For some reason I thought that using moment wouldn’t be a simple solution, but I went back to using moment.js, and found a working solution:

import moment from 'moment':

       {this.props.sensor.sensorName} - {this.props.sensor.sensorValue} -
        {moment(this.props.sensor.createdAt).format("L LTS")}

Renders as: * Temperature - 29 -12/02/2018 2:22:36 PM

Thanks for your help!