[SOLVED] Problems updating from React 15.6.2 to 16.7.0

EDIT: Updating to react-mixin@5.0.0 and react-codemirror@1.0.0 did the trick!

I’m on Meteor 1.8 and am having problems updating to a newer version of React. I’m hoping someone here can help me figure out what the conflict might be.

Running meteor npm outdated:

Package                       Current  Wanted       Latest  Location
autoprefixer                    8.6.5   8.6.5        9.4.5  edabit
babel-eslint                    8.2.6   8.2.6       10.0.1  edabit
babel-jest                     22.4.4  22.4.4       23.6.0  edabit
bcrypt                          1.0.3   1.0.3        3.0.3  edabit
eslint                         4.19.1  4.19.1       5.12.0  edabit
eslint-config-standard         11.0.0  11.0.0       12.0.0  edabit
eslint-config-standard-react    6.0.0   6.0.0        7.0.2  edabit
eslint-plugin-meteor            4.2.2   4.2.2        5.1.0  edabit
eslint-plugin-node              6.0.1   6.0.1        8.0.1  edabit
eslint-plugin-promise           3.8.0   3.8.0        4.0.1  edabit
eslint-plugin-standard          3.1.0   3.1.0        4.0.0  edabit
immutable                       3.8.2   3.8.2  4.0.0-rc.12  edabit
jest-cli                       20.0.4  20.0.4       23.6.0  edabit
mailgun-js                     0.16.0  0.16.0       0.22.0  edabit
meteor-node-stubs               0.3.3   0.3.3        0.4.1  edabit
npm                            5.10.0  5.10.0        6.5.0  edabit
postcss-load-config             1.2.0   1.2.0        2.0.0  edabit
radium                         0.19.6  0.19.6       0.25.1  edabit
rc-tabs                         8.1.1   8.1.1        9.6.0  edabit
react                          15.6.2  15.6.2       16.7.0  edabit
react-circular-progressbar      0.8.1   0.8.1        1.0.0  edabit
react-codemirror                0.3.0   0.3.0        1.0.0  edabit
react-countup                   3.0.3   3.0.3        4.0.0  edabit
react-dom                      15.6.2  15.6.2       16.7.0  edabit
react-markdown                  3.6.0   3.6.0        4.0.6  edabit
react-mixin                     4.0.0   4.0.0        5.0.0  edabit
remove-markdown                 0.2.2   0.2.2        0.3.0  edabit
semantic-ui-react              0.79.1  0.79.1       0.84.0  edabit

Does your terminal log something? I had trouble with react prop types and had to add a package concerning them alone…

Double check the upgrade section just in case: https://reactjs.org/blog/2017/09/26/react-v16.0.html#upgrading

Also check your Meteor packages that there not some that require React. As @sewbot mentioned prop-types is a new package that you should use for prop types. Other than that nothing sticks out, but I’m not familiar with most of those packages, so you should consult their readmes and changelogs to see if there aren’t some specific restrictions.

Posting the exact errors will help.

Also, do you use react-mixins? If yes, use version 5.0 for the deprecated lifecycles of react 16

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Bingo! Came here to report back that after an hour of installing and uninstalling various packages, eventually found react-mixin was the culprit.