Hello everyone,
I’ve got a small problem with my Meteor dev environment…
When I start Meteor it runs up to this Point
user@user-desktop:~/path-to-project$ meteor
[[[[[ ~/path-to-project ]]]]]
=> Started proxy.
=> Started MongoDB.
and then does nothing for 1-2 minutes…
This also occurs when I change server code. It does NOT happen when I change client code.
I checked my processes with htop and saw, that mongod is running the whole time eating up 85% of my CPU capacity… When CPU usage drops, meteor is back as usual.
I’ve read that meteor reset
should help and yes it does… But as soon as I do a mongorestore the problem is back…
I can’t dev without that data so not doing the mongorestore is no option…
I hope you can help me! :0D
My dev environment is set up like this:
Meteor 1.8
Ubuntu 16.04
Core i5 3570