[solved] somehow momentum works bad on svg elements update

I started app from Todos example from Meteor Guide aplication, so there are similarity.

I have Elements Collection with this schema, here is part that i update

  "transform": {                           // Object           Element position
    "x": "12",                             // String           translateX
    "y": "34",                             // String           translateY
    "rot": "0"                             // String           rotateZ

This goes to component template (with sub-components) to show all (SVG) elements (source):

{{#each element in elements}}
  {{> Elements_item (elementArgs element)}}

Then i have rotateElement method in methods.js to do:

Elements.update(eid, {
  $set: { "transform.rot": phi },

Now, my problem is, that element (inside #each) does rotate (it is visable) and then dissapear when i call rotateElement method.
If than i refresh browser (F5) it shows correctly (rotated)

Same thing happen when i call method connectElementToNet (source)

  { cid: cid, name: name, "pins.id": pin },
  { $set: { "pins.$.net": net } }

Is this problem with Tracker, what is missing?

Do i need to “tell” publication is changed?

Ok, i find that updated “element” from argument used in #each (see first post)

does not pass to return object:

elementArgs(element) {
  console.log( "elementArgs for "+ element.name + " ("+ element._id +"); newRot is: "+ element.transform.rot );
  return {
    element: element,
Template.Elements_item.onCreated(function elementsItemOnCreated() {
  this.autorun(() => {
    new SimpleSchema({
      element: { type: Elements._helpers },
    console.log( "elementsItemOnCreated for "+ this.data.element.name + " ("+ this.data.element._id +"); newRot is: "+ this.data.element.transform.rot );

elementsItemOnCreated returnd OLD element.transform.rot

No, sorry, updated element come to Elements_item template correctly, BUT

Template.Elements_item.onCreated(function elementsItemOnCreated() {
  this.autorun(() => {
    new SimpleSchema({
      element: { type: Elements._helpers },
    console.log( Template.currentData() );    
    console.log( this.data );

This returns different results on change. Template.currentData() is “up-to-date”, while this.data is “outdated”.

If i do this.data = Template.currentData(); it doesn’t solve my problem.

I find it!

meteor-momentum some how works bad on svg shanges. I’ll try to replicate this in new app to expose this, but maybe later this yer.

So, i removed {{#momentum plugin="fade"}} line and it works now.