For some days the apk package that I have always used has problems installing on Android 11.
Now the process can’t complete, i get a message “errore durante l’analisi del pacchetto” (is italian localisation, in english maybe is “error while parsing the package”.
Someone get facing same problem ?
Also tried to install android sdk 31 but no lucky, still error in parsing packet.
Run app on android device instead works fine.
Seems to be only a packet issue… but I can’t understand how solve it…
Google had change packet format:
Now we can no longer sign an app and install it on our device ?!
We are obliged to go through the play store ?!
Has anyone noticed this problem ?
The only way is to use the play store ?
Found a temporary solution: set sdk target to 29 (Android 10) in mobile-config.
But if someone had a definitively solution, is welcome.
You can still distribute APK signed files, but just for ad-hoc distribution, not for play store new apps.
Are you using the new option on meteor 2.3, --packageType apk, to build the APK? Otherwise, meteor will generate an aab bundle file for you.
Yes, I build apk file setting option --packageType=apk but the problem is that on Android 11 installation can’t endind, stuck with a message “error while parsing the package” (in previous Android version installation is fine).
So far, the only way to install apk on Android 11 is set target for Android 10 (App.setPreference(‘android-targetSdkVersion’, ‘29’) on mobile-config.
Are you try to build app setting target 30 (Android 11) and install on an Android 11 ?
Meteor 2.5 is upgrading Android Cordova integration.
Our first beta is already available, please give it a try