[SOLVED] This project uses Meteor 2.16, which isn't available on this platform

When trying to do this command :

meteor build --server-only --directory /home/ubuntu/bitbucket/build/master/  --architecture os.linux.x86_64

I have got the error :

This project uses Meteor 2.16, which isn't available on this platform. To work with this app on all supported
platforms, use meteor update --release METEOR@2.15 to pin this app to the newest compatible release.

I have tried to install it again but the error is still there
Do you know what commands should I do ?


What operating system version and CPU (amd64, arm64, etc) you have?

I use :
Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-162-generic x86_64)
I was working fine with Meteor 2.15

I will try to uninstall Meteor 2.15 and reinstall meteor.

Ok it works this command :

curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh

uninstall the current version and install the new one.

Now our app is building correctly.

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