I’m running into a really weird issue, where this.setState is causing my app to hang. I can’t really share too much code as I could get in trouble for doing so, but the relevant section is:
debugMode && console.dir(finalResults);
Events.remove({}); // clear out any data first
_.sortBy(finalResults, 'StartDateTime').forEach(function (event) {
}); debugger;
queryDone: true,
queryInProgress: false
this.setState is called, and it gets to some function involving queueing, and then it just stops. queryDone is never set to true, and if I put a console.log statement after this.setState, it never gets reached. Something really strange is going on!
Ok, so my main component (Layout) which is always present, has a mixin I made called ActionHandler.
ActionHandler = {
actions: {
'ACTION_GET_APPTS': function () {
let queryStr, queryPromise;
let finalResults = [];
queryDone: false,
queryInProgress: true
queryStr = `SELECT ...`;
queryPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.props.jsf.runQuery(queryStr, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
console.error(err.errorCode, err.message);
} else {
resolve({events: result.records});
queryPromise.then(val => {
queryStr = `SELECT ...`; //another query
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.props.jsf.runQuery(queryStr, function (err, result) {
resolve(_.extend(val, {propertyDetails: result.records}));
}).then(val => {
// ... more stuff
debugMode && console.dir(finalResults);
Events.remove({}); // clear out any data first
_.sortBy(finalResults, 'StartDateTime').forEach(function (event) {
}); debugger;
queryDone: true,
queryInProgress: false
// execution never gets here. what?!
'ACTION_LOGOUT': function () {
getInitialState() {
return {
queryDone: false,
queryInProgress: false
runAction(action, ...args) {
this.actions[action].call(this, ...args);
Hopefully that gives enough context. If I could go back in time, and had I known about meteorflux:dispatcher, I would’ve used that instead of throwing together my own dispatch system. I still might do that, if I can’t figure this out.
Wow, this makes no sense. I’ve checked out older commits where I know it was working, and those hang as well. I even did rm -rf ~/.meteor and rm -rf .meteor/local to flush anything bad out. I’m stumped.
BINGO. I was able to get an actual error by selecting the component in the React devtools and doing $r.setState({queryDone: true}).
_updateRenderedComponent: function(transaction, context) {
var prevComponentInstance = this._renderedComponent;
var prevRenderedElement = prevComponentInstance._currentElement; // ERROR HERE
var childContext = this._getValidatedChildContext();
var nextRenderedElement = this._renderValidatedComponent(childContext);
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘_currentElement’ of null(…)
It concerns me that React didn’t throw an error in the console, until I ran setState manually.
Weird. Upgrading to Meteor revealed another error in my code that was not being shown in for some reason. I have no idea why. At any rate, things are fine now! My code was trying to call a String prototype method on a null object.