[Solved] upgrade to Meteor 1.6.1 causes Meteor.http.call to be undefined

Recently upgraded my app to 1.6.1 it seems old ‘Meteor.http.call’ calls started giving ‘Cannot read property ‘call’ of undefined’ error. They were working in

Please be aware when you upgrade.

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They finally removed the deprecated use of Meteor.http.

From the release notes:

The deprecated Meteor.http object has been removed. If your application is still using Meteor.http, you should now use HTTP instead:

import { HTTP } from "meteor/http";
HTTP.call("GET", url, ...);

link: https://github.com/meteor/meteor/blob/master/History.md#v161-2018-01-19

Looks like it was deprecated in late 2013
link: https://github.com/meteor/meteor/blob/devel/History.md#v065-2013-08-14

Removing deprecated methods still constitutes a breaking change and it’d be nice to get a clearer notification when upgrading