[SOLVED] Velocity Start hangs only on Magnum CI and Codeship

Hi all, I’m trying to get velocity to work on Magnum CI. My tests run perfectly fine locally but when I try to get them going on Magnum, I get this :

39134 I20150531-01:45:57.450(0)? [velocity] adding velocity core
39135 I20150531-01:45:57.451(0)? [velocity] is in continuous integration mode
39136 I20150531-01:45:57.505(0)? [velocity] Not adding mirror-registrar because NODE_ENV is development and IS_MIRROR is false
39137 I20150531-01:45:57.505(0)? [xolvio:cucumber] Cucumber hub is loading
39138 I20150531-01:45:57.506(0)? [velocity] Register framework cucumber with regex ^tests/cucumber/((?!node_modules/).)+\.(feature|js|coffee|litcoffee|coffee\.md)$
39139 I20150531-01:45:58.083(0)? [velocity] Server startup
39142 Build has exceeded maximum execution time and was terminated.
39143 Please contact support if you need to extend duration.

Any ideas on what this can be ? The server startup is the one that hangs for 27-28 minutes (the timeout is because the total build was 30 minutes).

Edit: My setup commands are the following:

git clone https://github.com/meteor/meteor.git ~/meteor
export PATH=~/meteor/:$PATH
npm install -g velocity-cli

And my test command :

VELOCITY_CI=1 DEBUG=1 VELOCITY_DEBUG=1 VELOCITY_DEBUG_MIRROR=1 meteor --settings config/dev.json --test --once

Turns out Codeship acts similarily

I20150602-19:08:27.539(0)? [velocity] adding velocity core
I20150602-19:08:27.539(0)? [velocity] is in continuous integration mode
I20150602-19:08:27.608(0)? [velocity] Not adding mirror-registrar because NODE_ENV is development and IS_MIRROR is false
I20150602-19:08:27.608(0)? [xolvio:cucumber] Cucumber hub is loading
I20150602-19:08:27.608(0)? [velocity] Register framework cucumber with regex ^tests/cucumber/((?!node_modules/).)+\.(feature|js|coffee|litcoffee|coffee\.md)$
I20150602-19:08:28.409(0)? [velocity] Server startup
I20150602-19:08:28.411(0)? [velocity] app dir /home/rof/src/bitbucket.org/[...]
I20150602-19:08:28.411(0)? [velocity] config = {
I20150602-19:08:28.411(0)?   "cucumber": {
I20150602-19:08:28.411(0)?     "regex": "^tests/cucumber/((?!node_modules/).)+\\.(feature|js|coffee|litcoffee|coffee\\.md)$",
I20150602-19:08:28.411(0)?     "name": "cucumber",
I20150602-19:08:28.411(0)?     "_regexp": {}
I20150602-19:08:28.412(0)?   }
I20150602-19:08:28.412(0)? }
I20150602-19:08:28.412(0)? [velocity] resetting the world
I20150602-19:08:28.412(0)? [velocity] frameworks with disable auto reset: []
I20150602-19:08:28.423(0)? [velocity] Add paths to watcher [ '/home/rof/src/bitbucket.org/[...]/tests' ]
I20150602-19:08:28.440(0)? [velocity] 1 mirror(s) requested
I20150602-19:08:28.461(0)? [velocity] Mirror process forked with pid 8157
I20150602-19:08:28.461(0)? [velocity] cucumber is starting a mirror at http://localhost:44083/.
I20150602-19:08:28.462(0)? [velocity] This takes a few minutes the first time.
I20150602-19:08:28.484(0)? [velocity] You can see the mirror logs at: tail -f /home/rof/src/bitbucket.org/[...]/.meteor/local/log/cucumber.log
I20150602-19:08:28.525(0)? [velocity] Search framework for path tests/cucumber/features/add_task.feature
I20150602-19:08:28.526(0)? [velocity] Target framework for tests/cucumber/features/add_task.feature is cucumber
I20150602-19:08:28.527(0)? [velocity] Search framework for path tests/cucumber/features/sign_in.feature
I20150602-19:08:28.527(0)? [velocity] Target framework for tests/cucumber/features/sign_in.feature is cucumber
I20150602-19:08:28.527(0)? [velocity] Search framework for path tests/cucumber/fixtures/users.js
I20150602-19:08:28.527(0)? [velocity] Target framework for tests/cucumber/fixtures/users.js is cucumber
I20150602-19:08:28.534(0)? [velocity] Search framework for path tests/cucumber/features/step_definitions/add_task_steps.js
I20150602-19:08:28.534(0)? [velocity] Target framework for tests/cucumber/features/step_definitions/add_task_steps.js is cucumber
I20150602-19:08:28.534(0)? [velocity] Search framework for path tests/cucumber/features/step_definitions/generic_steps.js
I20150602-19:08:28.534(0)? [velocity] Target framework for tests/cucumber/features/step_definitions/generic_steps.js is cucumber
I20150602-19:08:28.539(0)? [velocity] File scan complete, now watching /tests
I20150602-19:08:28.540(0)? [velocity] Triggering queued startup functions

This command didn't output anything for for a while, thus we stopped it.
If the error is on our end please inform us so we can help you to fix this.

Got it fixed on codeship and added my answwer to this SO question : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27356247/testing-meteor-with-velocity-at-codeship/30608229#30608229