[SOLVED] You are running a browser with no localStorage or userData support. Logging in from one tab will not cause another tab to be logged in

When running Meteor in my Firefox I get lately the following:

You are running a browser with no localStorage or userData support. Logging in from one tab will not cause another tab to be logged in.

Opening Chrome I don’t get this error and the error occurs in Firefox only on localhost. Anyone ever experienced that as well?

I wonder if Firefox changed the security policy around local storage? I’m guessing the difference between localhost and your prod env is https?

Just tested with Firefox 94 on linux ubuntu, no problem.

I actually think this is not an issue with FF in general but something I caused during dev somehow, because the exact same browser works fine on some of our other instances in production.

Edit: in dev it also works on other ports than 3000

Okay I created a local copy of Meteor’s internal localstorage package and found, the issue is not raised due to the following code:

try {
  storage = global.localStorage;

  if (storage) {
    storage.setItem(key, key);
    retrieved = storage.getItem(key);
} catch (ignored) {} // missing info

The exception I get is a DOMException with code 22 and message The quota has been exceeded.

Related issue in FF Bug tracker: 1683299 - localStorage.setItem causes DOMException: The quota has been exceeded without any localStorage

Finally resolved - somehow I got a ton of data on my localhost and some unused ports from apps I developed a few months back still occupied localstorage space which led to the overall localstorage to overflow but it was just not clear from the error message.


Yes, sometimes multiple entry with Localhost can cause the issue. Finally fixed too.