SpaceTalk – Who's up for building an open-source Slack, just like how Telescope is managed!?

probably just getting to a good slack clone is good for a step #1

I wonder if a shell for creating chatbots that could interact with this slack client could make it differentiated from slack? we have some code for doing that although it’s a bit intermixed with our current app. It also could be a separate repo if this slack clone has an API…

I’d also like to see richer content in the stream, like a way to embed html cards. if you could ask your bot “when’s the next Avenger’s showtime?” and it could send back a little googlenow type clickable card with links, rather than just an image…

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please feel free to consider UserAccounts as the set of packages to be used to add user access to the app.
I might help to keep it up and setup correctly as I’m doing for Telescope.

Good initiative though!
Lets see what a community is able to come out with :wink:

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Oki, I’ve setup some basics for us!

Trello board:


Send me details on Trello account username and github username and I’ll add
you to it.
My email is:

Let’s start from there, add some cards and vote on them?

I’ll probably be able to add it tomorrow (UTC+1) in a batch – getting late
over here now. :slight_smile:

How about for a domain name?

// Tim


Good idea! I’m thinking of this for a few weeks…
I would love to help!

Are we able to not use Iron Router and use Flow Router instead?


Well I stop paying attention for a couple of days and then fun things happens.

FWIW, I would have suggested a nice spacey name like Ether, or for the fun a adding a nice spacey H2G2 theme, Sub-Etha.

But here’s what I really wanted to suggest. If you want to build a Slack clone but have one piece of functionality that differentiates it, I’d suggest adding a way to federate separate systems (a la Diaspora. I can’t help but think that if Diaspora had Meteor instead of Rails when they started it out, it would have gone a lot further). That’s my 2 cents. :smile:

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I like it, but you’re late to the vote. Though it would be great to use for one of the apps running SpaceTalk, you know like is Telescope. :smile:

I don’t know much about distributed computing, but I guess one could set that up with Cluster, or am I wrong @arunoda?

I’m adding anyone who want’s to be part of this. As mentioned earlier send me a mail or actually it’s nothing secret we’re sending so just answer here with your Github and Trello username.

But if you mail me, I can invite you to the Slack chat too (temporary solution until we’re rolling on our own):

@timbrandin I love the idea i see there is also a spacetalk slack account. I think it’s good to communicate in a more direct way than a forum or a trello board… makes the community more connected imho. Would you mind adding all the developers to the spacetalk slack?

XD missed the last message lol

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I just added server muting and server banning to MRC can we salvage any of this or is MRC going to have a different intention than this as it was made to be a personally owned and branded version of either an IM server (Telegram, etc.) or IRC, Slack, etc. type service (per a server config of enabling things).

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See the demo: (functioning, but I’ll have to be online to promote to Staff or Admin role to use these new features).

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I’d love to help out with the WebRTC portion, that’s something I’ve been meaning to learn more about through implementation. I wonder if we could implement a translator inside for English - Chinese users to talk to each other.

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We’re continuing all the discussions on the Trello board and in the Slack chat – email me if you want to be part of that with github and trello username.

hey, why don’t we setup a spacetalk channel to discuss the project :wink:

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We need to fix some issues on the roadmap first :smile:

Any chance you could make the slack spacetalk community self-invite, so that one person won’t have to go through pains to invite every interested member individually? For example, here’s how the codebuddies slack is set up: The installation is pretty easy:

How about Yack?

How about this, even better right? We have our own version of Slackin in Meteor directly on our landing page:

Now it’s super easy signing up for Slack, though you still need to e-mail me for github and trello access for now.

// Tim