(included file is located in /client/styles/framework/bootstrap3/custom.bootstrap.less, and file that includes it is located in /client/styles/styles/styles.less)
Now, what is correct path to include this file? Path is now relative to what?
While processing files with less (for target web.browser):
client/styles/styles/styles.less:1: Unknown import:
@emmanuelbuah see my previous post - problem was importing .less file instead .import.less - it looks like it’s not supported anymore.
However, I still got problems with css - no more errors, but when I @import theme, it doesn’t work properly (looks like order of files - like theme is included before default bootstrap in resulting css).
does anyone have imports from a dot folder in the root? I have several assets in a “.build” folder in the root to have it ignored for autocompiling. with meteor 1.2 I can not include those anymore - used to work though.