Start Meteor: FAILED

Hi there,

I am experiencing some trouble with the deployment of my app. When I hit “mup deploy” I get the following error:

x Start Meteor: FAILED
	      Removing docker containers. Errors about nonexistent endpoints and containers are normal.
	Error response from daemon: endpoint webmill-website not found
	Error: No such container: webmill-website-frontend
	Error response from daemon: endpoint webmill-website-frontend not found
	Error: No such container: webmill-website-nginx-letsencrypt
	Error response from daemon: endpoint webmill-website-nginx-letsencrypt not found
	Error: No such container: webmill-website-nginx-proxy
	Error response from daemon: endpoint webmill-website-nginx-proxy not found
	Finished removing docker containers
	docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint webmill-website (e3c5492cdd511964300b2e4f14b35d5069620471e77f18fa8a064f486f1cc7ad): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use.
	      using image
	removing last
	Image mup-webmill-website:latest

Before running it, I had no reported errors although something was failing with the deployment to the server as my app’s content wasn’t refreshing and I thought I’d try mup restart. Apart from this app there is nothing running on port 80.

Any input is much appreciated!

No experience with mup, but it seems that some env vars are missing

Hey there,

Thanks for the input! Although I don’t really get it in terms of concrete changes. Not an expert myself.