Hallo Friends, I am a hardcore fan of Meteor, but now in my company we are faced with a dilemma. We are working on a client project to build an eCommerce platform similar to InstaCart. Client is open on the Technology stack. The Dev team is split between MeteorJS and AWS Amplify.
Requirements of client:
- Future proof technology stack
- Easy and continuous deployments
- Easy and minum DevOps
- Test driven development
- Cost and ease of maintainace
- Infinitely Scalable
I see lot of similarities between Meteor and AWS amplify, below I list some of them.
- Both have real-time data sync - Meteor DDP, AWS Appsync
- Both come with strong inbuilt accounts management package
- Meteor has methods, AWS has Lambda
- Both built on node
For me, AWS Amplify in many ways is a clone of Meteor.
Below are the pros and cons of using Meteor over AWS Amplify
- Ease of local development
- Familiarity with Meteor environment - almost nil learning curve
- Integration with Cardova for creating app - write once, run everywhere
- DevOps - huge headache
- Hosting Headaches
- Scalabilty
- With Meteor core team focusing on Apollo and GraphQL, we fear that Meteor may be abundant
- Future readiness
AWS Amplify
- Fully integrated Platform
- Minimum DevOps
- Future Proof (Hopefully as coming from Amazon)
- Lambda is serverless
- infinitely Scalable (Hopefully)
- Build apps with react native - lean once and deploy everywhere (ehh almost …
- Local Development
- Significant learning curve for the team
- Hosting and hidden charges
- Single vendor trap
Could this community be so kind to help me solve the dilemma? Thank you very much.