Still having source map issues

Is anyone else having issues where source maps don’t exist for your Meteor apps? When I get errors, they often point to transpiled code:

    _this.renderBillingTab = function () {                                                                             // 30
      if (_this.props.userDetails.plan === _plans.plans.TEST_DRIVE) return;                                            // 48
      return _react2['default'].createElement(                                                                         // 50
        _materialUi.Tab,                                                                                               // 50
        { label: _universeI18n._i18n.__('account.sections.billing') },                                                 // 50
        _react2['default'].createElement(                                                                              // 51
          'div',                                                                                                       // 51
          { style: styles.content },                                                                                   // 51
          _react2['default'].createElement(_CreditCardManager2['default'], null)                                       // 52
        )                                                                                                              // 51
      );                                                                                                               // 50

Check this issue out:

No progress yet unfortunately

Oh, to be clear, I’m talking about while in dev mode working locally. I find it odd that source maps are not consistent. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.