Strange H18 errors on broken images when duplicating meteorjs app

Hi guys

I need some MeteorJS experts’ advise to help me understand my situation.

I am maintaining a very old legacy Meteorjs app on Heroku and database on Images on S3 buckets.

At some point of time, client wanted a second server for another company 2, we duplicated the server and database. Once everything running, we erase the database to start from scratch for company 2. We forgot to create another S3 buckets for images storage, but it appears that nothing is broken. Second server appears to work well without error. No complains from client.

Then, a few months later, client wanted third server for another company 3. We repeated the process, this time duplicated server codes and production database from company 2. No new S3 bucket.

During this process. We did not touch server and database of company 2. But strange things started to happen. On company 2 server, we start to receive a lot of error alerts regarding broken image urls. They look like this:

heroku/router: sock=backend at=error code=H18 desc=“Server Request Interrupted” method=GET path=“/cfs/files/cmsImages/8uppAdpeBTythkjcZ/Banner%20Home.png?token=abcdefg&store=cms” request_id=dc463ba2-a07a-469a-8e5e-d15ff07e80ec fwd=“ipaddress” dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=665ms status=503 bytes= protocol=https

Here are some observations:

  • We have not seen these errors before on company 2.
  • There are some products with broken images on company 2, but we are not 100% sure is it already broken before our duplicating process
  • for all image ids reporting in the H18 error alerts, we cant find these images in S3 bucket
  • it is not like all images are missing or broken, only maybe 5% or 10%. But errors keep coming in as long as some website visitors viewing pages containing those images.
  • no errors from company 1.
  • no errors from new company 3 as no one started using

Summary: I copy pasted server and database from company 2 to company 3. And i start receiving error alerts about broken images on company 2 server.

So my question is: what could be the reason?