Subscribe outside MeteorJs

Actually, I m using Websocket library, and i was wondering how can I subscribe in meteorJs’s publications?


@rjdavid @edemaine @mikkelking @waldgeist

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I didn’t test it, but can be a good start:

You can find the DDP protocol documentation here:

I used a Unity C# implementation as the basis for my own fork:

It was a bit buggy, so I had to implement a couple of workarounds, but it worked. You can have a look at their implementation to get a feeling what has to be done.

There is also this JavaScript implementation:

The best recommendation I can give to you is: never use this.unblock() in any publication, although it had been recommended by the Meteor team before. This will let your publications run amok, as any change in the subscription parameters will cause all documents to be resent again. I learned this the hard way…

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So for example, I want to connect my Arduino to Meteor, how can that work?

I want to just what the query that I need to send to meteor Web-socket to make a connection