Suggested embedded customized form with meteor


is there any popular customized tool for conversational forms and surveys e.g. , embedded with meteor so that I can avoid setting up a survey with forms from scratch with pure meteor and instead use something already set so that use the forms to capture the input from user but then use meteor to make calculations about the output?

thank you

I am planning to use this one soon: Data capturing looks like below. Just grab an object and post to Mongo.

//Use getValue to get the value of the question
//Use setValue to set the value of the question
survey.setValue('questionName', newValue);
//Use data property to get/set survey data as json = {"youquestion1": value1, "youquestionN":valueN};
//Use onValueChanged event to get a notification on chaning question value.
survey.onValueChanged.add(function (sender, options) {
    var mySurvey = sender;
    var questionName =;
    var newValue = options.value;
//Use onComplete to get to pass it to the server.
survey.onComplete.add(function (sender) {
    var mySurvey = sender;
    var surveyData =;

thank you so much, I ll check it out :slightly_smiling_face:
although it seems it is not full supported for Meteor though

@konsarna what exactly is “full supported for Meteor”? Do you mean there is no Meteor Atmosphere package? Or do you mean there is no ready made Blaze template?

Hi, yes I mean this.I’m quite familiar with Meteor but not with React etc. , maybe it is not that much difficult to adjust it though…