Yesterday we got suspicious sub rate spikes for one of the publication in our app (Meteor 2). It was sub rate growing from ~20 per minute to ~6000 per minute for about 30 minutes in a row each time (total 12 times). It’s the first time I see something like that in 2 years of this app being in production. Here is an example from Monti APM:
This subscription is for logged in users, and we don’t have public signup form (only our corporate clients can signup their users). Subscription looks like this:
Meteor.publish('tours', function(orgID,start,end) {
const user = Meteor.user()
if(!user || !orgID) return []
const query = {
orgID: orgID,
start: { $lte: start },
end: { $gte: end }
if(!Roles.userIsInRole(this.userId, ['TOURS_MANAGE'], orgID)) {
query.status = 'confirmed'
if(Roles.userIsInRole(this.userId, ['VIEW'], orgID)) {
return ToursCollection.find(query)
else {
return []
What is surprising, that this subscription checked user roles collection, so it was some kind of logged in “user”. Here is screenshots from DB monitoring, showing role-assignment collection reads spikes:
Non of the other subscriptions or methods in the app was affected. There is nothing suspicious in the nginx logs. So it must be some kind of direct DDP activity.
I have no idea why it’s this one subscription in particular, nothing special about it. It’s never being subscribed without a few others at the same time.
I know I should add DDPRateLimiter to the subscriptions, but at this point I’m reluctant to do so — just curious to see if it will happen again.
I would be happy to hear if anybody has an idea what it could be, other than a targeted attack.