Syncing social media account to an existing user account?

Does anyone knows here a good package to use (with documentation) that can link social media accounts to an existing user account on our meteor app?

Thanks in advance.

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Just to clarify, are you asking about linking social media accounts for use in OAuth? Or just capturing a reference to the user’s social media page(s)?

If its the latter, you can just add in a reference to the social media page in the user schema. If its the former, then there used to be a package for account merging that worked with Meteor 1.3. When upgrading Meteor, I did not find a replacement package so I tied into the account create hook to manually merge them then. If this is what you are after, I can send you the link to a post that helped me accomplish this.

I’m going to be moving a project from accounts-password only to password + social media accounts shortly, and account merging is going to be a part of that. A link to that post would be super appreciated!

Sure, this is the post that helped me:

And if you want to see how I did it, here is the basic idea from my server/main.js (my Meteor app supports password, facebook, and google auth):

Meteor.startup(() => {

	Accounts.onCreateUser((options, user) => {
		let existingUser = Meteor.user();
		let email;
		let firstName;
		let lastName;
		let service;

		if ( {
			firstName =;
			lastName =;
			email =;
			service = 'facebook';
		} else if ( {
			firstName =;
			lastName =;
			email =;
			service = 'google';
		} else {
			firstName = EMPTY_VAL;
			lastName = EMPTY_VAL;
			email =;
			service = 'password';
			verified = false;

		if (!existingUser) existingUser = Meteor.users.findOne({ email });

		if (existingUser) { = || {};[service] =[service];
			Meteor.users.remove({ _id: existingUser._id });
			user = existingUser;

		...any additional logic...

		return user;


This is great - many thanks!

Is any out of the box package it will allow to have the same user with different type of authentications?

The default system is just creates a new user for each type.