Syntax Query: Unexpected block statement surrounding arrow body [Solved]


I have a question around good syntax. I am picking up React and functional programming in general, and am pretty new to both. Have started including ESLint to help improve my code. Have a block below…

class UsersList extends Component {
  getUsers() {
    return => { \\ ESLINT highlights this...
      return (
          key = {user._id}
          user = {user}

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="container">

ESLINT highlights the above and says ‘Unexpected block statement surrounding arrow body’, and links to as an explanation.

I do not understand what it wants me to change. Can someone provide some clarification?

Thanks so much.


If you have a look at the page, it mentions:

“as-needed” enforces no braces where they can be omitted (default)

and then:

When the rule is set to “as-needed” the following patterns are considered problems:

/*eslint arrow-body-style: ["error", "as-needed"]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

let foo = () => {
    return 0;

So, ESLINT wants you to just do this:

getUsers() {
    return => 
          key = {user._id}
          user = {user}

It works as expected. Awesome. Thank you so much.
