Tabular not reacting to ReactiveDict's values changing


I’m using the great Tabular package.

I’m making use of the client-side selector helper to Reactively change my table by having Server modify the query for my dataset.

I have multiple HTML inputs that act as filters and am populating a ReactiveDict with the values. A search-button click event triggers the ReactiveDict to get populated with an Object using .set

Initialization of ReactiveDict

Template.tbl.onCreated(function () {
    const self = this;
    self.filters = new ReactiveDict({});

Population of ReactiveDict

'click #search-button'(e, template) {
            //clear to 'reset' fields in ReactiveDict that could've been cleared by User

            const searchableFields = getSearchableFields();

            //Initialize standard JS Obj that ReactiveDict will then be set to
            const filterObj = {};

            //Loop through search fields on DOM and populate into Obj if they have a val
            for (let field of searchableFields) {
                const value = $(`#${field}-filter`).val();

                if (value) {
                    filterObj[field] = new RegExp(escapeStringRegex(value.trim()), 'i'); 

            if (Object.keys(filterObj).length) {

Selector Helper

selector: () => {
            const filters = Template.instance().filters.all();
            const selector = { SOME_DEFAULT_OBJ,  ...filters };

            return selector;

I’m noticing the server doesn’t notice any changes from a ReactiveDict if all keys remain the same.
I’m testing this by logging in the serve-side’s changeSelector md and verifying that my logging does not occur if just a value in selector has changed.

Is there a solution to this?

I.e. {foo:'foo'} to {foo:'bar'} should reactively trigger the server to re-query but it does not. But {foo:'foo'} to {bar:'bar'} would get triggered.

Is this an issue with how I’m using the ReactiveDict or is this on the Tabular side?


Initialization of ReactiveDict

Template.tbl.onCreated(function () {
const self = this;
self.filters = new ReactiveDict({});

Population of ReactiveDict

‘click #search-button’(e, template) {
//clear to ‘reset’ fields in ReactiveDict that could’ve been cleared by User

        const searchableFields = getSearchableFields();

        //Initialize standard JS Obj that ReactiveDict will then be set to
        const filterObj = {};

        //Loop through search fields on DOM and populate into Obj if they have a val
        for (let field of searchableFields) {
            const value = $(`#${field}-filter`).val();

            if (value) {
                filterObj[field] = new RegExp(escapeStringRegex(value.trim()), 'i'); 

        if (Object.keys(filterObj).length) {

Selector Helper

selector: () => {
const filters = Template.instance().filters.all();
const selector = { SOME_DEFAULT_OBJ, …filters };

        return selector;

Are you offering a solution?